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Did you know: That the Earth was at one time one solid piece of land without islands and continents?

In Gen. 1:9-13 we read that the Earth came forth as one land and the waters were one body of water. In Gen. 10:25 and 1 Chron. 1:19 we read that in the days of Peleg the earth was “divided,” or split into continents and islands. The Hebrew word for “divided” is palag, and is translated “divide” (Ps. 55:9) and “divided” in the above passages and in Job 38:25; Dan. 2:41. It literally means “to separate or split.” If the earth was thus separated in the days of Peleg, then it was one earth or body of land before that time. This is the reason that various peoples are found being on the many islands and continents separated so widely by much water. In the New Earth, the land will again become one body, and no longer will there be large oceans of waters as we have now (Rev. 21:1).

Finis J. Dake, God’s Plan for Man, (Lawrenceville, GA: Dake Publishing, Inc., 1949), 35.