Dake Bible Discussion BoardWhat We Believe

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What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »

This is printed on the weekly brochure of the Church i attend.

( What We Believe )

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God;that there is one Lord ,one Faith and one Baptism; and that the name of the Lord is JESUS.

In order to obtain salvation,we believe an individual must be born of the water and of the Spirit by being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and being filled with the Holy Ghost ,with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gives the utterance.


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Re: What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »

I mean no offence towards any on here.

The Lord helped me greatly in the above Apostolic Church.

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Re: What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »

Peter on the Day of Pentecost said to those who asked him what to do

Acts 2:38-39 Repent ,and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins ,and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For the promise is unto you ,and to your children ,and to those afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Last edited by branham1965 on Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »

No offence meant here.I am not trying to cause trouble. :agrue:

Many Churches never talk of Water Baptism.

Others think one can receive the real Holy Ghost without speaking in other tongues.Not so.

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Re: What We Believe

Post by luchnia »

branham1965 wrote:luchnia
The Lord Jesus Himself ordained and commanded water baptism for believers.

And the Apostles and Early Church practiced it.

Every believer who can do so should be water baptized.

The late British Bible scholar Derek Prince said "there is no such thing as a unbaptized Christian in the New Testament." :|
I don't disagree that a believer should be water baptized. It is the right thing to do if possible.

Any group that teaches water baptism for salvation is teaching a false doctrine and should be called out on it. You must be born of water and the spirit to be saved. Funny how folks take this verse to mean you must be immersed in water to be saved.

In the same way many take the verse, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved" and change it to state, "he who believes and is baptized in water will be saved." If someone can find any verses that show that Jesus said one who is baptized in water will be saved, I would greatly appreciate it.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, not whoever is water baptized has eternal life. John baptized with water, but who baptizes with the spirit and fire? Is water baptism wrong? No, but it can't save anyone.

One must confess with his mouth and believe in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Such a one will desire being baptized in water as confirming outwardly the change of heart.

Word up!
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Re: What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »


That is exactly what the Lord said.

JESUS said he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.Mark 16.Acts 2 said Repent and be baptized.

Watchman Nee once wrote that Protestants rewrote the verse in Mark 16 to say he that believes and is saved shall be baptized.

Watchman Nee knew that JESUS meant what He said.

Some so called scholars =unbelievers =today say all of Mark 16:9-20 is not even Scripture.

The Bible teaches in Acts 2,8,9,10,16,19,22 all show the necessity of water baptism.People believed and were baptized after repenting and believing.

it is a direct commandment from Jesus.And is to be obeyed.

Not should be but must be obeyed if it is possible.

luchnia wrote:
branham1965 wrote:luchnia
The Lord Jesus Himself ordained and commanded water baptism for believers.

And the Apostles and Early Church practiced it.

Every believer who can do so should be water baptized.

The late British Bible scholar Derek Prince said "there is no such thing as a unbaptized Christian in the New Testament." :|
I don't disagree that a believer should be water baptized. It is the right thing to do if possible.

Any group that teaches water baptism for salvation is teaching a false doctrine and should be called out on it. You must be born of water and the spirit to be saved. Funny how folks take this verse to mean you must be immersed in water to be saved.

In the same way many take the verse, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved" and change it to state, "he who believes and is baptized in water will be saved." If someone can find any verses that show that Jesus said one who is baptized in water will be saved, I would greatly appreciate it.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, not whoever is water baptized has eternal life. John baptized with water, but who baptizes with the spirit and fire? Is water baptism wrong? No, but it can't save anyone.

One must confess with his mouth and believe in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Such a one will desire being baptized in water as confirming outwardly the change of heart.

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Re: What We Believe

Post by bibleman »

branham1965 wrote:
JESUS said he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.Mark 16.Acts 2 said Repent and be baptized.

Watchman Nee once wrote that Protestants rewrote the verse in Mark 16 to say he that believes and is saved shall be baptized.

Watchman Nee knew that JESUS meant what He said.

Some so called scholars =unbelievers =today say all of Mark 16:9-20 is not even Scripture.

The Bible teaches in Acts 2,8,9,10,16,19,22 all show the necessity of water baptism.People believed and were baptized after repenting and believing.

it is a direct commandment from Jesus.And is to be obeyed.

Not should be but must be obeyed if it is possible.
A Question Billy,

Say a person gets saved by believing and confessing Jesus as Lord as Romans 10:9,10 instructs. BUT that person never gets baptized in water.

Is that person saved?

If he dies before being baptized does he go to Heaven?

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »

If that person were killed or died i think they would be with Christ.I certainly am not worthy to judge anyone. :agrue:

I have an Uncle who believes like some Church folks.

He is still waiting after 42 years to be baptized.He got saved at my late Pastors Church.But left when Reverend told him get baptized.

MUCH of the time today it is the Preachers and Theologians who are at fault.

People use that as an excuse to not render obedience to the Lord.
I gave Book,Chapter and Verse and it is rejected. :Fade-color

Does the Word say repentance toward God is mandatory? Yes.

Is faith toward the Lord Jesus ?? Yes.
Please see Acts 20:21

Is confession necessary ?? Yes.

Is calling on the name of the Lord necessary ?? Yes.

Is water baptism necessary ???Yes it is.
The person should follow the Bible pattern and be Baptized.

When Phillip taught the Eunuch about Jesus the man said


This Eunuch brought it up because Phillip told him about Baptism.

He confessed the Lord and both he and Phillip went down into the water and Phillip baptized him.
Last edited by branham1965 on Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:43 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: What We Believe

Post by luchnia »

branham1965 wrote:The Bible teaches water baptism as mandatory.

If he or she has not been baptized after any amount of time it is the Preacher who is at fault.

When Phillip taught the Eunuch about Jesus the man said

The preacher is at fault if someone does not get water baptized? WOW Why force meanings into scripture?

Can you show text where Phillip told the Eunuch water baptism is mandatory? From what you posted from Acts the Eunuch requested to be baptized and rightly so. Nothing there shows mandatory anything. Where do you get this mandatory baptism from? You have not posted one verse that shows water baptism is mandatory for salvation, not one.

Word up!
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Re: What We Believe

Post by branham1965 »

I gave you Scriptures to show my proposition.

You gave human imaginations and theories.

You fought earlier WITH JESUS over Mark 16 :shocked!: He that believeth AND is baptized shall be saved. You have no right to change it.WOE to anyone who does.

Acts 2 :38 "Then Peter said unto them ,Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

NO ONE has any right to change what the Lord has said.

Every conversion in Acts had Water Baptism .

luchnia wrote:
branham1965 wrote:The Bible teaches water baptism as mandatory.

If he or she has not been baptized after any amount of time it is the Preacher who is at fault.

When Phillip taught the Eunuch about Jesus the man said

The preacher is at fault if someone does not get water baptized? WOW Why force meanings into scripture?

Can you show text where Phillip told the Eunuch water baptism is mandatory? From what you posted from Acts the Eunuch requested to be baptized and rightly so. Nothing there shows mandatory anything. Where do you get this mandatory baptism from? You have not posted one verse that shows water baptism is mandatory for salvation, not one.

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