Dake Bible Discussion Boardserpent seed

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Re: serpent seed

Post by brodave »

If you notice every time someone goes off into false doctrine the fewer scriptures are used.They take one or two scriptures and and off they go.If you go back to their earlier teaching when they were teaching the Word of God they use lots of scripture.

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Re: serpent seed

Post by branham1965 »


Ray wrote:Brothers,

Gen 4:1 completely destroys the "serpent seed doctrine" as any mislead
teacher teaches it. Branham, Bullinger, Arnold Murray of Sheperds Chapel.

Genesis 4:1
King James Version (KJV)

4 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.

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Re: serpent seed

Post by Ironman »

"the devil knows the Bible better than any human being who ever picked one up."

Thats why he can manipulate it's Scriptures through so-called bible experts and interpreters to make people believe exactly the opposit of what God is revealing to mankind.

It started in the garden. God told Adam and Eve if you eat of the tree in the mids't of the garden you shall surley die. The devil, through the serpent told Eve you shall not surley die if you eat of the tree.

They should have listened to and believed God, not the devil. The devil has many so called bible experts working for him world wide.

And, Seminary does not always a bible expert make.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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