Dake Bible Discussion BoardHebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by Justaned »

Does anyone see any hypocrisy in these two statements made by Fatherfisher?
In the first Fathfisher is snidely criticizing me for referencing another author and in the second he is quoting another author.
fatherfisher wrote:you might want to consult the B-I-B-L-E even more than John Feinberg
fatherfisher wrote:The truth is as Dake explains "men in previous dispensations had to look forward to it [the death of Christ on the cross] by faith, in order to receive the benefits of the cross.
Why is when I use quote an external source to establish a better understanding of a position or doctrine I'm told I need to get back to the Bible, but when someone does the exact same thing it is perfectly acceptable? Why is that?

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by titus213 »

Of course John testified of the Jesus being the Lamb of God not by knowledge or faith but by the unction of the Holy Spirit

So says you. You have no way of knowing that to be the case.

I say he knew Isaiah 53, that there would come a sacrificial lamb who would take away the sin of the world. He virtually quotes from it. Knowlege of God's Word, faith in God's Word, AND the unction of the Holy Spirit, who had given that Word.

It's sad to see you try to minimize God's Word and the saints who, for thousands of years, trusted in it for their salvation.

I'm tired of trying to prove the errors of your ways. Maybe someone else would care to. It seems like a lost cause on this issue, and many others you try to push on this Board.

ps - I only mentioned Dake to illustrate that, once again on this particular point as on many others, you push your views on a Dake Board, seemingly without a care that most of your views are contrary to Dake. It is strange, wouldn't you say?

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by Justaned »

fatherfisher wrote:It's sad to see you try to minimize God's Word and the saints who, for thousands of years, trusted in it for their salvation.
How am I minimizing God's Word in any form or fashion? Instead it is you that tries to add to God's Word. Jesus clearly said the only way to the Father is through Him (Jesus) instead you want to say faith alone will save you.

As to your PS what I trying to do is set right the record, for too long too many have been putting words into Dake's mouth. They take a snippet here and snippet there and try to paste them together as Dake's doctrine. It is the same thing as ripping verses from context to make a point that the whole of scripture abhors.

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by Ironman »

If you were so poor that you never owned a bible, but had nothing more than faith in Jesus, and lived your life as God intended, for not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified, you would be saved!

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by Justaned »

Ironman wrote:If you were so poor that you never owned a bible, but had nothing more than faith in Jesus, and lived your life as God intended, for not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified, you would be saved!

The pivotal part of this statement is "faith in Jesus".

Now let us define faith in Jesus.

Is it just believing Jesus lived and died and was resurrected? Or is believing all of that and making Jesus Lord of our lives. Are we so dependant on Jesus for our salvation what we follow his teaching as best we can?

There is a huge difference between the two.

Matthew 22:12-14 (NKJV)
12 So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless.
13 Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
14 For many are called, but few are chosen."

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by macca »

You remind me of how the Catholic church taught me Ed, it does not matter what you do as far as sin goes, as long as you stay in the church you will be fine.
So we all sinned like hell and bragged about it. no worries they will anoint me after i die and heaven here i come. yaahoo


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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by branham1965 »

:lol!: :lol!:
thats a doozey.its true over here too.

macca wrote:You remind me of how the Catholic church taught me Ed, it does not matter what you do as far as sin goes, as long as you stay in the church you will be fine.
So we all sinned like hell and bragged about it. no worries they will anoint me after i die and heaven here i come. yaahoo


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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by Justaned »

macca wrote:You remind me of how the Catholic church taught me Ed, it does not matter what you do as far as sin goes, as long as you stay in the church you will be fine.
So we all sinned like hell and bragged about it. no worries they will anoint me after i die and heaven here i come. yaahoo

Wait one minute nobody here is excusing sin especially not me. All sin carries consequences and those are realized whether we are forgiven or not.

I'm saying a true Christian never commits intellentional malicious sin and that when they do commit unintentional and sins of omission their sin does not cost them their salvation.

Now where is all of that do I even remotely suggest we should all sin like hell and brag about it.

Let me also say the fact you said this about Catholicism proves without a shadow of a doubt you never understood Catholicism. Nothing in Caholic religion remotely suggests that an adherent should sin like hell and brag about it.

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by bibleman »

Justaned wrote:
macca wrote:You remind me of how the Catholic church taught me Ed, it does not matter what you do as far as sin goes, as long as you stay in the church you will be fine.
So we all sinned like hell and bragged about it. no worries they will anoint me after i die and heaven here i come. yaahoo

Wait one minute nobody here is excusing sin especially not me. All sin carries consequences and those are realized whether we are forgiven or not.

I'm saying a true Christian never commits intellentional malicious sin and that when they do commit unintentional and sins of omission their sin does not cost them their salvation.

Now where is all of that do I even remotely suggest we should all sin like hell and brag about it.

Let me also say the fact you said this about Catholicism proves without a shadow of a doubt you never understood Catholicism. Nothing in Caholic religion remotely suggests that an adherent should sin like hell and brag about it.
Hi Ed,

Above you said: "I'm saying a true Christian never commits intellentional malicious sin and that when they do commit unintentional and sins of omission their sin does not cost them their salvation."

Well that being the case... once a person truly gets saved then they can never be lost and die and go to Hell... right?

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Re: Hebrw 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30

Post by Justaned »

bibleman wrote:
Justaned wrote:
macca wrote:You remind me of how the Catholic church taught me Ed, it does not matter what you do as far as sin goes, as long as you stay in the church you will be fine.
So we all sinned like hell and bragged about it. no worries they will anoint me after i die and heaven here i come. yaahoo

Wait one minute nobody here is excusing sin especially not me. All sin carries consequences and those are realized whether we are forgiven or not.

I'm saying a true Christian never commits intellentional malicious sin and that when they do commit unintentional and sins of omission their sin does not cost them their salvation.

Now where is all of that do I even remotely suggest we should all sin like hell and brag about it.

Let me also say the fact you said this about Catholicism proves without a shadow of a doubt you never understood Catholicism. Nothing in Caholic religion remotely suggests that an adherent should sin like hell and brag about it.
Hi Ed,

Above you said: "I'm saying a true Christian never commits intellentional malicious sin and that when they do commit unintentional and sins of omission their sin does not cost them their salvation."

Well that being the case... once a person truly gets saved then they can never be lost and die and go to Hell... right?
I never said that. I said and I misspelled the word intentional I said no true Christian will commit a malicious intentional sin. In other words I don't see a Christian of ever committing first degree murder, child abuse, spouse abuse and such.

Does that mean a Christain can't sin? No they can and we all do and if we are honest probably daily. However those sins are unintentional, and sins of omission.

But I also believe a Christian can allow his faith to become cold, to withdraw from his relationship with Christ, to reject the wooing of the Holy Spirit that would draw him back into close fellowship. As the process takes place sin will become more frequent in his life and his excuses of it will become more complex. Eventually he will reach a point that the sin will no longer bother him and his heart will be hardened to the Holy Spirit.

It is at that point his salvation is in danger and could be lost completely but if it should be I don't think there is a road back either.

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