Dake Bible Discussion BoardHow many more will proclaim Christianity and remain in sin?

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How many more will proclaim Christianity and remain in sin?

Post by luchnia »

I rarely pay any mind to the state of the social order, yet recently it has been challenging not to see all the so-called churches in the world today that have homo, lezzy, and trans preachers and other preachers that accept all sorts of sin and claim to be in Christ. The same goes with people that claim Christ in general. I find this extremely disturbing and disheartening, but to some degree expected.

It appears that many have become so bible illiterate that they no longer know right from wrong, or know it but refuse to accept it in order to enjoy sin? I saw parts of a PBS show called the gospel of Eureka dealing with drag queens and the passion of Jesus recently and there were two men had been married for 30+ years and they both claimed they were Christian men and completely justified their position. One of them had passed since the show was aired and they dedicated it to the man. There was also one transgender that was married to another and so on it went. I don't even remember all of it, yet was so sad that they were simply ignorant of God's salvation and freedom from sin.

I am guessing at some point soon some verses in Isiah where people call evil good and good evil as the norm will be coming to fruition in our lifetime. Those of you that are preachers and teachers in this time must find it becoming more frustrating.

Word up!
Hill Top
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Re: How many more will proclaim Christianity and remain in sin?

Post by Hill Top »

luchnia wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:38 pm I rarely pay any mind to the state of the social order, yet recently it has been challenging not to see all the so-called churches in the world today that have homo, lezzy, and trans preachers and other preachers that accept all sorts of sin and claim to be in Christ. The same goes with people that claim Christ in general. I find this extremely disturbing and disheartening, but to some degree expected.

It appears that many have become so bible illiterate that they no longer know right from wrong, or know it but refuse to accept it in order to enjoy sin? I saw parts of a PBS show called the gospel of Eureka dealing with drag queens and the passion of Jesus recently and there were two men had been married for 30+ years and they both claimed they were Christian men and completely justified their position. One of them had passed since the show was aired and they dedicated it to the man. There was also one transgender that was married to another and so on it went. I don't even remember all of it, yet was so sad that they were simply ignorant of God's salvation and freedom from sin.

I am guessing at some point soon some verses in Isiah where people call evil good and good evil as the norm will be coming to fruition in our lifetime. Those of you that are preachers and teachers in this time must find it becoming more frustrating.
Makes me wonder if more than one in ten million will refuse the mark of the beast.
With all the doctrines that accommodate sin, folks will just say..."I'll just repent on my death bed".
That will be too late.

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Shall Not He that Spared Not His Own Son Freely Give Us All Things?
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Re: How many more will proclaim Christianity and remain in sin?

Post by luchnia »

Hill Top wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:19 pm
luchnia wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:38 pm I rarely pay any mind to the state of the social order, yet recently it has been challenging not to see all the so-called churches in the world today that have homo, lezzy, and trans preachers and other preachers that accept all sorts of sin and claim to be in Christ. The same goes with people that claim Christ in general. I find this extremely disturbing and disheartening, but to some degree expected.

It appears that many have become so bible illiterate that they no longer know right from wrong, or know it but refuse to accept it in order to enjoy sin? I saw parts of a PBS show called the gospel of Eureka dealing with drag queens and the passion of Jesus recently and there were two men had been married for 30+ years and they both claimed they were Christian men and completely justified their position. One of them had passed since the show was aired and they dedicated it to the man. There was also one transgender that was married to another and so on it went. I don't even remember all of it, yet was so sad that they were simply ignorant of God's salvation and freedom from sin.

I am guessing at some point soon some verses in Isiah where people call evil good and good evil as the norm will be coming to fruition in our lifetime. Those of you that are preachers and teachers in this time must find it becoming more frustrating.
Makes me wonder if more than one in ten million will refuse the mark of the beast.
With all the doctrines that accommodate sin, folks will just say..."I'll just repent on my death bed".
That will be too late.
What a thought! Imagine how so many are thinking they are safe in their knowledge of God saving them in their sin? Is there a place that God forgives such ignorance? It is difficult to comprehend such a thing knowing what God's word says about sin.

Word up!
Hill Top
The Spirit-Baptism is Promised unto You, Your Children, to All that are Afar Off, and to as Many as Our Lord Shall Call
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Re: How many more will proclaim Christianity and remain in sin?

Post by Hill Top »

luchnia wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:52 pm What a thought! Imagine how so many are thinking they are safe in their knowledge of God saving them in their sin? Is there a place that God forgives such ignorance? It is difficult to comprehend such a thing knowing what God's word says about sin.
Brings to mind..."Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead." (Acts 17:29-31)

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