Dake Bible Discussion BoardRapture during Feast of trumpets

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Rapture during Feast of trumpets

Post by josh6780 »

What is with all this rapture and feast of trumpets? Is there any actual scripture to support this?

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Re: Rapture during Feast of trumpets

Post by titus213 »

You can see one attempt to support this idea here: https://goo.gl/rsaqSl
I completely disagree.

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Re: Rapture during Feast of trumpets

Post by Ironman »

Matthew 24:36, But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Rapture during Feast of trumpets

Post by titus213 »

Ironman wrote:Matthew 24:36, But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
The Feast of Trumpets cannot be a time indicator for the rapture because:

#1 the rapture can come at any time, according to Paul's teaching in his letters

#2 the Feasts were celebrations given to Israel, not the Church. The rapture deals with the Church, not Israel. God's renewed focus on "Israel according to the flesh" (1 Cor 10:18) comes after the Church has been raptured.

#3 the typology of the Feast of Trumpets will be fulfilled in conjunction with the Second Coming when the nation of Israel is gathered in at her conversion (Matt. 24:31), prior to the judgment described in Matthew 25. Traditional Judaism has always taught that Judgment Day would be announced by blasts of the shofar.

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