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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by Justaned »

Rocky wrote:
Justaned wrote:
Rocky wrote:
Ed: AS far as you personally I understand the Goth thing more than you know or will ever know.
I seriously doubt that, but hey you are never wrong right so me bing a Goth and have been been for one 20 years and you are not one enlighten me. Tell me how much you know about it. Ed lets just go there because I believe this is the whole reason for your contempt for me. And the reason for what you said what you said matter of fact you brought that up again.. Remember you said
Ed: Come on you are all goth and I'm not
So just get it all out Ed so we can get back to the thread..
You are serious? I mentioned it before and took weeks for you to come down off the ceiling. I'm not going there with you on that subject for any reason.
I said you are goth and I'm not as an example of a marked difference. If it isn't a marked difference then you failed, however it is and you are a success we are different and should not be compared with each other.

That's because It took weeks to sort out your errors :mrgreen: and you brought it up first then as well. That thread was about Halloween, you you just had to mention my cloths and such and rant about the way I looked, you were trying to be an expert in something you know nothing about. Oh here you go

Ed maybe it is just how you say things.

Maybe Or maybe it is how you hear the things I say.
In any case I'm sorry I mentioned Goth in this thread, I was just using it as an obvious difference that I thought would explain why I view us as two different distinct people and want to keep it that way.

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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by Justaned »

One thing I would like explained is why is it okay for you to liken me to a pharisee but if I say anything about you i'm being unkind, a hypocrite, being unChrist-like. In the past you have said I need to get saved, I was a this or a that, and so forth all kind of negative things.

Please explain to me why you can say such things but if I say I don't believe I should discuss a subject with you I'm pretending something I'm not? Please explain this to me I would like to hear your justification.
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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by Justaned »

Interesting all of sudden nobody has a thing to say.

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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by branham1965 »

i like Billy Graham because he was one of the first persons i actually felt the Conviction of the Holy Spirit through in fall of 1975 +tough

and secondly he has no problem admitting he doesnt know or is not an expert on some .................OLOGY. or some religious billy goat head buttincontest +wink

God has blessed him for his great humility.
Justaned wrote:Interesting all of sudden nobody has a thing to say.

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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by cpbeller »

What is there to say, Ed? I have spoken why I dislike you on here. You may be the most kind and gentle man on earth in person...but on this board? You come across as a pompous, arrogant, ego-inflated know-it-all jerk.

You post things, starting threads on this board, knowing full well what the reaction was going to be. And then when you are confronted about it, you claim you are being picked on.

This last thing ("Please do not classify me with you or as being like you. We are as different as light and darkness.") once again shows that you are incapable of understanding how to act towards other ppl.

I fully admit that I let my emotions get away from me when dealing with you. You have said so many insulting and degrading things to me in the past...you simply make me furious. You claims that I only give God a "low worship"...your claim that God told you that I was unstable...and the fact that a few years or so ago, you (and another person, who has since left the board, seems like his name was David) used the death of my first wife to prove your "point" that WoF is wrong. There are many other things you have said over the years...Sure, you "apologize", but you continue to carry yourself with such and air of superiority, you are almost laughable.

To be honest...I view you as almost a false teacher. And I will confront those things with a fury (God is hateful, God wants the Christian sick, your defense of other teachers that teach/preach near heresy like John MacArthur). You want to insult, degrade and deride...fine. Then it will come right back at you. You have not always done it first...but there have been plenty of times that you have. And always, you want to claim victimhood, claim you are being mistreated...all the while you throw in your little shots.

You have such a hatred for the various things Dake taught and wrote, and we know you hate WoF and anyone who teaches those views. There have been times when a discussion is pretty much finished...but here you come to save the day and START A NEW THREAD ABOUT THE SAME TOPIC. Then act shocked that ppl still disagree with you?? Seriously??

You have doubted my stability (even going so far as saying on this board, publically, that God told you I was unstable and my faith was nearly ruined and for you to leave me alone), you have claimed that I show God "low worship", you have doubted my salvation publically on this forum, you have called my beliefs stupid and called me stupid for believing them...

But yet you want to try to play some little victim card? Really? None of us are innocent...but the fact that you continue to claim you are is only another reason why many ppl really don't care a whole lot for you on here. Discussion is one thing...but you cannot accept being wrong, even when clear Scripture is given and shown. But you still want to be the victim.

I will fully admit that I have jumped on you, but there have been so many other times that I bit my tongue and let it slip. There have been so many little snide remarks and little jabs thrown at the board in general and individuals specifically...but I don't say a word. You sometimes come into a thread (and sometimes, you start the thread yourself) with statements about "this board" and "people on this board". But you don't understand why you are so "mistreated". Are you serious?

I have spoken, like I said, to various individuals about my attitude towards you...and in some ways, I know I am wrong. But you refuse to see just how things come across from you...and you answer anyone who takes issue with "That's your problem, not mine".

Now, before you go into full-victim mode...just remember...you wanted this answer, and in fact, got back on this board and challenged that everyone got quiet. Like we are afraid of you or something. You may think you have some type of spiritual authority over ppl on here...but I know for me, God has not placed you anywhere near authority in my life. Your teaching, for the vast majority of it, I believe to be in such error and of a false teaching, it is ridiculous. From your views on healing, to the love of God, faith and even salvation, I find to be in error. For a man of God to condemn one preacher (any WoF, but primarily Copeland) but jump to the defense of another (the likes of MacArthur who teaches Calvinism of all things) is, in my opinion, shameful. You are a minister of the Gospel (hey, that means the GOOD NEWS), but you in stead want to spread a "gospel of God's hatred". You claim you believe in healing, but then turn around and claim that God will most likely not heal, you claim you believe the Bible, but then you post this stuff that is so contrary to what the Bible says about it. God may not heal you, God hates sinners, God desires for you to go through pain and suffering to teach you something, God is waiting for you to screw up so He can squash you and kick you out of the family forever with no hope of forgiveness...salvation is based off of if you make Jesus Lord of ALL of your life (not of grace, because, ppl abuse grace now).

You have so many beliefs and so many views that I am so strongly opposed to...and so many others ON THIS BOARD that opposes what you state...but you continue on, and make your little jabs and toss your little insults and throw your little kicks...all the while claiming martyrdom.

You wanted an answer...here it is. You are not innocent, in no way are you the innocent, poor, mistreated victim. Harsh? Possibly...but you wanted the truth of it... and there it is. Copy and paste it to your computer if you want...I don't back away from what I state as me "mis-speaking", and I will not subtly change my opinion all the while saying it is what I have said all along. Just remember...you wanted a reply, and challenged us because you thought we were going to back away from it. Here it is...

DISCLAIMER: Whatever I say or do not say may or may not apply to you based on whether you are or are not a Christian. And whether you are or are not a Christian may or may not be based off of whatever denomination you may or may not be a part of.
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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by Justaned »

cpbeller wrote:.and the fact that a few years or so ago, you (and another person, who has since left the board, seems like his name was David) used the death of my first wife to prove your "point" that WoF is wrong.

First I did not know you had a first wife and I offer my condolences to you for your lost. Since you call her your first wife I assume God has given you a second wife and I pray you will have a long and fantastic marriage with her. May you grow old together and love and cherish each other and I pray God blesses each of your days together.

As for the rest of the your post there is two perspectives of everything and often more. I'm sorry you feel as you do but since Bibleman has confirmed Dake was not WOF I don't understand why WOF'er try to insist to this forum that Dake was WOF. What I really don't understand is why WOF'er don't have their own forum where they can pat each other on the back and high five each other, since that seems to be what they want.

I have never expressed a hate for anything Dake has said. I disagree with Dake on a few areas of his teaching but I don't think that is so unusual. Dake offered his opinion and I have mine that is why we have Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream.
Makes little sense to just have a forum where someone says something and everyone else says I agree. I still believe iron sharpens iron. The problem is when people disagree instead of providing supporting evidence for their view they instead allow themselves to slip into vendetta mode and launch personal attacks.

Your post gives the reader a lot of insight to you and how you see things especially your view of the Christian walk (I didn't say it was anything negative so don't go there) I found it very interesting and informative. In the past I have tried to make peace with you and I now see you apparently resented my apologies. What can anyone say to that? As a last solution for this I have suggested that we ignore each other. You didn't like that idea. It seems that the only way to make you happy is to say your right and I'm wrong. Okay in name of Christian brother hood I publicly proclaim Chris is right and I Justaned am wrong.

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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by Justaned »

For the record I did not say God was hateful. I said God hated sin and those that reject the work of His Son on the Cross by staying in Sin. For the record. I base that opinion mainly on John 3:36 (NKJV)
36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."

But also on how God compares sinners to various things

Compared with
Abominable branches
Isa 14:19
Ashes under the feet
Mal 4:3
Bad fish
Mat 13:48
Ps 49:12
2Pe 2:12
Blind people
Zep 1:17
Mat 15:14
Bronze and iron
Jer 6:28
Ezek 22:18
Briers add thorns
Isa 55:13
Ezek 2:6
The bulls of Bashan
Ps 22:12
Carcasses trodden underfoot
Isa 14:19
Job 21:18
Ps 1:4
Mat 3:12
Clouds without water
Jude 1:12
Corn (grain) blasted
2Ki 19:26
Corrupt trees
Luke 6:43
Deaf adders
Ps 58:4
Prov 26:11
Mat 7:6
2Pe 2:22
Ps 119:119
Ezek 22:18
Ezek 22:19
Early dew that passes away
Hos 13:3
Bad figs
Jer 24:8
Fading oaks
Isa 1:30
Fiery oven
Ps 21:9
Hos 7:4
Fire of thorns
Ps 118:12
Fools building upon sand
Mat 7:26
The fuel of fire
Isa 9:19
Garden without water
Isa 1:30
Mat 25:32
Ps 37:2
Ps 92:7
Grass on the housetop
2Ki 19:26
Green bay tree
Ps 37:35
Green herbs
Ps 37:2
Heath in the desert
Jer 17:6
Horses rushing into the battle
Jer 8:6
Lions greedy of prey
Ps 17:12
Melting wax
Ps 68:2
Morning clouds
Hos 13:3
Moth-eaten garments
Isa 50:9
Isa 51:8
Passing whirlwinds
Prov 10:25
Prov 26:23
Raging waves of the sea
Jude 1:13
Reprobate silver
Jer 6:30
Ezek 2:6
Ps 58:4
Mat 23:33
Hos 13:3
Stony ground
Mat 13:5
Job 21:18
Mal 4:1
Swine (pig)
Mat 7:6
2Pe 2:22
Mat 13:38
Disturbed sea
Isa 57:20
Visions of the night
Job 20:8
Wandering stars
Jude 1:13
Wayward children
Mat 11:16
Wells without water
2Pe 2:17
Ps 83:13
Whited gravesites
Mat 23:27
A wild donkey's colts
Job 11:12

That Scripture states God is angry with sinners.
God is angry with
Ps 5:5
Ps 5:6
Ps 7:11
Rom 9:13
1Co 10:5

That scripture says God has withdrawn his spirit from sinners.
Spirit of God withdrawn from
Gen 6:3
Hos 4:17-19
Rom 1:24
Rom 1:26
Rom 1:28

That the pretended worship of God by sinners is offensive to God
Worship of, offensive to God
Ps 50:16
Ps 50:17
Isa 1:10-15

And by God declaring the present and future state of sinners.
Present and future state of evil and righteous persons contrasted
Job 8
Ps 49
Orville Nave, “WICKED (PEOPLE),” in Nave's Topical Bible: A Digest of The Holy Sciptures, (New York: Topical Bible Publishing Co., 1896), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "WICKED (PEOPLE)".

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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by bibleman »

Justaned wrote:For the record I did not say God was hateful. I said God hated sin and those that reject the work of His Son on the Cross by staying in Sin. For the record. I base that opinion mainly on John 3:36 (NKJV) He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."

Just because God's wrath is upon you does that mean he hates you?

Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by Justaned »

bibleman wrote:
Justaned wrote:For the record I did not say God was hateful. I said God hated sin and those that reject the work of His Son on the Cross by staying in Sin. For the record. I base that opinion mainly on John 3:36 (NKJV) He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."

Just because God's wrath is upon you does that mean he hates you?

Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
I think this passage is talking of Christians not sinners in rebellion. Don't you?

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Re: Are All Sins Equal in God's Eyes? Billy Graham Sounds Of

Post by stand »

I did not follow all the threads. But I agree with Graham's analogy with the archery and bull eye, however what is the bull eye? I believe the bull eye is the summary of the law as quoted by Jesus our Lord, love God with all your heart and all your soul and all your might and love others as you love yourself. So sin is transgression of the law, any act or thinking which are outside loving God and loving others are sins.

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