Dake Bible Discussion BoardThank God for a know so salvation!

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by Ironman »

Hi cpbeller. You asked ed,
"Tell me something, Ed...why do you jump to the defense of Catholicism, while trashing every other Christian denomination and/or movement around? Why do you feel justified in spreading lies and hatred about preachers such as Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Sr., and a whole host of others...just because you disagree with them?"

I bet he's a closet catholic, prays the rosary, goes to confession, prays to the dead, believes in trans-substanciation, kneels before statues, makes the sign of the cross and all other such catholic things.

Dont feed the troll!

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by Justaned »

bibleman wrote:
Justaned wrote:
bibleman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:HEY REVED
THE TRUTH HAS NOTHING TO FEAR FROM AN OPEN INVESTIGATION a very dear Preacher friend once told me.
Justaned wrote:
bibleman wrote: OK Ed<

So you don't have the evidence.

I thought not.
I gave you my evidence. Did you examine it? Did you even look at it?
No you just want to say I don't have any evidence. I gave you a whole book full of eividence and you refuse to read it, study it and prove the evidence contained within it is wrong.
I agree with you here Billy,

If Ed will provide the page number... Well I am waiting... have the book on my desk right now.... just waiting...

Ed, What page is this example on: "Example if you fall down and break your leg, the leg isn't really broken until you or someone that witnesses the event says your leg is broke. At that point the actual broken leg is then manifested."

Ed said: "I know what WOF teaches I also know that is exactly what WOF believes after the onion is peeled all the way back."

Ed. Could you please give me the page number?
Metaphysical side of WOF is very complex. I didn't give a quote I gave a very over simplified illustration of the concept of Metaphysics as taught by Word of Faith.

You then asked for evidence. I gave you a whole book that detailed exactly how W0F and Metaphysics was blended together. Within the book are many quotes given by leading Word of Faith Teachers. So if you want to really understand what I'm talking about you need to read the Book.
Have you looked at any of the internet links I gave?
Hi ed,

I have the book... I have read the book...

I have never saw this in the book: "Example if you fall down and break your leg, the leg isn't really broken until you or someone that witnesses the event says your leg is broke. At that point the actual broken leg is then manifested."

If you don't have the page number then I guess that was just a figment of your imagination.

Maybe if you keep saying it is in the book... it will magically appear! (SMILE)
I never claimed it to be anything more than a very simiplified illustration. Never. And you knew that when you started all this show me evidence.

Now if you have read the book perhaps you would give us a clear illustration of what the author says Word of Faith is.

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by Justaned »

cpbeller wrote:There was a time a number of years ago I looked into it. And you know what I found? That joker, just like every other heresy hunter out there (which, you seem to be taking such pride and joy in, by the way) takes about every qoute they ever give out of context. For someone who claims they are not treated fairly on these boards, and for one who claims he is constantly taken out of context...I would think you would be wary of baseless accusations. But, I see that once again, when it comes to you, all bets are off.

You have an axe to grind with every WoF person around...that is a known fact, Ed. And it does not matter who tells you what, "You are the correct one, you are the one that knows it all". Honestly, it is a joke talking to you about this stuff...but, I am bored.

You toss out this stuff, then when you are called on it, you claim that you cannot give proof, but that we should all know exactly what you are talking about. Well, tell us. You sit on your heresy hunter throne, tossing around accusations like you do...pointing us to a book (by the way, I thought authors who sold books had no standing with you? This one must be different, though, because you have allied yourself with that garbage) from a very angry, bitter and biased man. There have been more ppl telling you that you are simply wrong, but you puff out your little chest and proclaim your "gospel". Well, again, Ed...you are simply wrong. That is not to say that some WoF ministers have abused the message. There has been...but you like to dump them all in the pot and stirr. Why do you continue to give the catholics the benefit of the doubt, but WoF? No way, no how.

Like I said, Ed...it is nothing more than nonsense that you constantly push. You want to keep telling everyone that to read some stupid biased book that was made to discredit men (and women) of God that you don't like. Of course you are going to like that guy...he is just like you. Full of hatred for ppl that you don't even know.

I did read some of it, by the way. I got sick and tired of reading his accusations, taken out of context. So many heresy hunters go on the attack, willing to wrest the words of a man to fit their own perceptions. You enjoy that, it seems. Dake has come under fire from those very same heresy hunters...do you disagree with them on that point? Or is it again another "not all of them are bad" statement from you?

Tell me something, Ed...why do you jump to the defense of Catholicism, while trashing every other Christian denomination and/or movement around? Why do you feel justified in spreading lies and hatred about preachers such as Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Sr., and a whole host of others...just because you disagree with them? I disagree with you on about everything you ever say...but I am not condemning you to hell out of hatred, either.
Okay you looked into it a number of years ago and you found a joker.
Why? What was quoted in the book that was false? What research have you done that proved the book wrong. What evidence you have that what was said in the book was wrong.

You claimed you looked into it and it was a joke. Okay give us the evidence you found that lead you to that conclusion.

You claims are false what lies have I told about Copeland? What lies about Hagin? If you find them I would like to see them. Because I went a long way out of my way never to mention names. So you made the claim I told lies about these specific people produce the lies.

If you have any evidence at all that this book is a joke I would like to see it.

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by branham1965 »

Thank you Pastor Bible. :Fade-color Im not getting on anyone here.i just listened to Old Shep by Walter Brennan on youtube. +goofy
but who is the fella with the broken leg??

bibleman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:HEY REVED
THE TRUTH HAS NOTHING TO FEAR FROM AN OPEN INVESTIGATION a very dear Preacher friend once told me.
Justaned wrote:
bibleman wrote: OK Ed<

So you don't have the evidence.

I thought not.
I gave you my evidence. Did you examine it? Did you even look at it?
No you just want to say I don't have any evidence. I gave you a whole book full of eividence and you refuse to read it, study it and prove the evidence contained within it is wrong.
I agree with you here Billy,

If Ed will provide the page number... Well I am waiting... have the book on my desk right now.... just waiting...

Ed, What page is this example on: "Example if you fall down and break your leg, the leg isn't really broken until you or someone that witnesses the event says your leg is broke. At that point the actual broken leg is then manifested."

Ed said: "I know what WOF teaches I also know that is exactly what WOF believes after the onion is peeled all the way back."

Ed. Could you please give me the page number?

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by bibleman »

branham1965 wrote:Thank you Pastor Bible. :Fade-color Im not getting on anyone here.i just listened to Old Shep by Walter Brennan on youtube. +goofy
but who is the fella with the broken leg??

bibleman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:HEY REVED
THE TRUTH HAS NOTHING TO FEAR FROM AN OPEN INVESTIGATION a very dear Preacher friend once told me.
Justaned wrote:
bibleman wrote: OK Ed<

So you don't have the evidence.

I thought not.
I gave you my evidence. Did you examine it? Did you even look at it?
No you just want to say I don't have any evidence. I gave you a whole book full of eividence and you refuse to read it, study it and prove the evidence contained within it is wrong.
I agree with you here Billy,

If Ed will provide the page number... Well I am waiting... have the book on my desk right now.... just waiting...

Ed, What page is this example on: "Example if you fall down and break your leg, the leg isn't really broken until you or someone that witnesses the event says your leg is broke. At that point the actual broken leg is then manifested."

Ed said: "I know what WOF teaches I also know that is exactly what WOF believes after the onion is peeled all the way back."

Ed. Could you please give me the page number?
Hi Billy,

Who is the fellow with the broken leg???

I don't know Ed won't tell us. I think he is just a figment of Ed's imagination.

God bless
Leon Bible


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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by cpbeller »

Ed...I read the book way back in '96 or '97. Actually, that is not entirely true...I read most of it, then got tired of him making all of his points, taking all of his qoutes out of context, so I threw the book away. And no, I am not going to read it again. I looked up quite a bit of the qoutes he was using, as I had access to several of the tapes, magazines and books (at least from Copeland) that he was attempting to use. He is a liar, and a fraud, based off of that book, which it looks like he now has a "21st Century" edition now, too. Now whenever I hear the name Hank Haanagraf, I simply roll my eyes. His 15 minutes of fame is over, but oddly enough, those same ministers that he attempted to destroy are still going strong, for the most part (Something I am sure you hate to see happen...)

Tell me...why is it ok for Hank to sell a book, but not for the Copelands to sell books?

And you want me to go back through the past number of years to qoute you in your hatred of Copeland, Hagin, and all the other WoF ministers you despise? No thanks...for one thing, back a few years ago, you were real careful to delete all those comments. Now I know why you deleted them: So you can have ppl not be able to "prove" you said something. Pretty smart, there, fella...Not the most honest thing to do, but pretty smart...

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by branham1965 »

Im going to step in for REVED here.
Ive known him a long long time and... im not sure what he is saying. i have no idea. i think he is in transition. he is sick of what some are doing ... i dont know for sure. he is not a Catholic yet.
i think its wrong to call an older experienced Preacher a troll.
Ironman wrote:Hi cpbeller. You asked ed,
"Tell me something, Ed...why do you jump to the defense of Catholicism, while trashing every other Christian denomination and/or movement around? Why do you feel justified in spreading lies and hatred about preachers such as Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Sr., and a whole host of others...just because you disagree with them?"

I bet he's a closet catholic, prays the rosary, goes to confession, prays to the dead, believes in trans-substanciation, kneels before statues, makes the sign of the cross and all other such catholic things.

Dont feed the troll!

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by Justaned »

cpbeller wrote:Ed...I read the book way back in '96 or '97. Actually, that is not entirely true...I read most of it, then got tired of him making all of his points, taking all of his qoutes out of context, so I threw the book away. And no, I am not going to read it again. I looked up quite a bit of the qoutes he was using, as I had access to several of the tapes, magazines and books (at least from Copeland) that he was attempting to use. He is a liar, and a fraud, based off of that book, which it looks like he now has a "21st Century" edition now, too. Now whenever I hear the name Hank Haanagraf, I simply roll my eyes. His 15 minutes of fame is over, but oddly enough, those same ministers that he attempted to destroy are still going strong, for the most part (Something I am sure you hate to see happen...)

Tell me...why is it ok for Hank to sell a book, but not for the Copelands to sell books?

And you want me to go back through the past number of years to qoute you in your hatred of Copeland, Hagin, and all the other WoF ministers you despise? No thanks...for one thing, back a few years ago, you were real careful to delete all those comments. Now I know why you deleted them: So you can have ppl not be able to "prove" you said something. Pretty smart, there, fella...Not the most honest thing to do, but pretty smart...
So you don't have any evidence you just say it is filled with lies. Okay I'm sure that works for any thinking man.

Yes I would like you to go back over the years and quote me where I specifically said I hated Copeland, Hagin. I want quotes where I used the man's name not where you think I'm talking about a person but where I specifically named the person.

Oh and I deleted them? Which ones? Only the ones where I named specificially Copeland and Hagin? +goofy

Once again Chris you make it perfectly clear why I should just ignore you. You have nothing but the vileness that spews from your mouth about me.

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by cpbeller »

You are a great revisionist, Ed...keep up the great work.

You are claiming that I am saying things without any evidence...but what about your "evidence"? Where is your evidence? You sit there, making these claims, condemning all of WoF...and when it is shown that you are simply wrong, instead of acknowledging it, you dig in even more. You claim humility...but where is it? All I ever see from you is arrogance.

Why is that you can post accusations without any evidence whatsoever...but demand qoute, dates and times from others? You have made it clear that you hate ALL WoF teachers. So, Copeland, Hagin, ect are WoF, am I right? By that logic, you would hate them, also. Unless they are not WoF now?

See, you want others to do things your way, all the while refusing to do it your way, yourself. Why is that? You claim that you should just ignore because I hate you. Well, I don't hate you. I don't like your internet persona much at all, but I don't hate you. I don't know you much other than what you put on these boards.

You claim that you didn't delete your comments. Ok, whatever. You and I both know you have over the past several years. Funnily enough, you always have made some "humble" claim that you are doing it so new Christians won't be offended, or led astray. And with that, nearly all your comments from most of those threads are gone, edited, with you "being humble". You tell me that I need to go back 2, 4 or more years ago and prove that you have stated this, or stated that. Anyone that has been keeping up with what you say already knows what you think and feel about WoF ministers...deleted comments or not.

But honestly...why is it such a sin for WoF ministers to write a book and sell it, but you have no issue with your Hero Hank doing that?

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Re: Thank God for a know so salvation!

Post by Justaned »

cpbeller wrote:You are a great revisionist, Ed...keep up the great work.

You are claiming that I am saying things without any evidence...but what about your "evidence"? Where is your evidence? You sit there, making these claims, condemning all of WoF...and when it is shown that you are simply wrong, instead of acknowledging it, you dig in even more. You claim humility...but where is it? All I ever see from you is arrogance.
The evidence I offered was internet links and a book. You offered your opinion.
cpbeller wrote:Why is that you can post accusations without any evidence whatsoever...but demand qoute, dates and times from others? You have made it clear that you hate ALL WoF teachers. So, Copeland, Hagin, ect are WoF, am I right? By that logic, you would hate them, also. Unless they are not WoF now?
You said I said I hated Copeland and Hagin. I asked where I said such a thing.
Coepeland and Hagin aren't WOF they are preachers in WOF. I said I hate WOF that does not even remotely suggest I hate Copeland or Hagin. This is where you logic fails.
cpbeller wrote:See, you want others to do things your way, all the while refusing to do it your way, yourself. Why is that? You claim that you should just ignore because I hate you. Well, I don't hate you. I don't like your internet persona much at all, but I don't hate you. I don't know you much other than what you put on these boards.
I said I wanted to ignore you because you spew vile from your mouth against me without reason.
cpbeller wrote:You claim that you didn't delete your comments. Ok, whatever. You and I both know you have over the past several years. Funnily enough, you always have made some "humble" claim that you are doing it so new Christians won't be offended, or led astray. And with that, nearly all your comments from most of those threads are gone, edited, with you "being humble". You tell me that I need to go back 2, 4 or more years ago and prove that you have stated this, or stated that. Anyone that has been keeping up with what you say already knows what you think and feel about WoF ministers...deleted comments or not.
I never claimed I didn't delete my comments. I have deleted comments which I made in the heat and after reading them I deleted them because they weren't very good examples of what Christians should say to other christians. I also deleted them because I thought they may have an adverse effect on true faith.
I deleted some because I felt I had been drawn down to the same level as the person I was responding to and I didn't like what I saw.

To suggest that I had any other motive simply shows that you make accusations with nothing behind them. I consider that as being a vile trait, of a person I don't want to communicate with.
cpbeller wrote:But honestly...why is it such a sin for WoF ministers to write a book and sell it, but you have no issue with your Hero Hank doing that?
I never said it was a sin for anyone to write a book. I said it was a sin to say things in a book that the person who is writing the book knows is not true, just to make a buck. I also question the wisdom of making money on something God has freely given to be taught to His people.

Chris if you think about it we never discuss topic of religion we only discuss your accusations about me. To what end? To prove you don't like me or like my theology? I think everyone knows that. So why go on attacking everything I say not on content but rather on my motive or whatever you find to charge me with.

There I answered you point by point. Before this goes down hill any further I intend not to go there with you so I will stop responding to you.

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