Dake Bible Discussion BoardThe bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

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The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by royplumber »

I believe everyone I know in the body of christ will not even give Dake's understanding one look because of a religious spirit. Am I wrong I just look at it over and over again. I've never felt commutable with it myself. I know how much I am struggling to overcome a spirit of fear for over 7 years now so I know my mind is very unsound.

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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by bibleman »

royplumber wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:24 pm I believe everyone I know in the body of christ will not even give Dake's understanding one look because of a religious spirit. Am I wrong I just look at it over and over again. I've never felt commutable with it myself. I know how much I am struggling to overcome a spirit of fear for over 7 years now so I know my mind is very unsound.
I think the Scripture is pretty clear on WHO the bride of Christ is:

Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Revelation 21:9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

I realize that some do not believe the Bible but it makes no difference. If John and the angel that talked to him told us the bride of Christ was the "holy Jerusalem." THEN that is what it is.

Do not allow fear to dominate you and choke the Word out of your life.

I have decided to just believe the Word and as for everybody else? They can do what ever they like.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by royplumber »

Ive noticed a pattern. I would teach everyone who would listen about fear. That fear is a spirit and effects your sound mind. Most people meed about 3 years to attack me and talked behind my back and try and convince me i am wrong. They say talk about fear. Then they say roy i see it your right
But 3 years latter is better late than ever.
The good thing about this is i dont get the glory and thats a great thing. So all dakes teaching does the same attacks the mind sets . I guess i will carry on but boy people dont want to be around you.

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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by royplumber »

Dakes teaching is so hard for people to comprehend
I wonder if we can teach to get people to just slowly slowly
Be open minded . There must be away when there seams no other way

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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by royplumber »

yer I think so I think it's a demon very hard to come out off. Over the years how do you lot disciple/teach.

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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by bibleman »

royplumber wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:11 pm yer I think so I think it's a demon very hard to come out off. Over the years how do you lot disciple/teach.
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by royplumber »

but surely if we are all not following doctrine of devils we would be like the disciples and I don't see it within the body of christ. I see a lot of dakes teaching is not acceppted by most christians. I rejoice that I can understand dakes teaching. I believe dakes teaching is awesome and don't go into rejection and the other stuff but when I see the junk that joined me over the years its like I am very bound. So I am just thinking its a spirit of fear that stops people seing the dates teaching. If you cannot recognise sin you cannot get out of it.

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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by bibleman »

royplumber wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:58 am but surely if we are all not following doctrine of devils we would be like the disciples and I don't see it within the body of christ. I see a lot of dakes teaching is not acceppted by most christians. I rejoice that I can understand dakes teaching. I believe dakes teaching is awesome and don't go into rejection and the other stuff but when I see the junk that joined me over the years its like I am very bound. So I am just thinking its a spirit of fear that stops people seing the dates teaching. If you cannot recognise sin you cannot get out of it.
In what way are you bound?

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by Hill Top »

royplumber wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:58 am but surely if we are all not following doctrine of devils we would be like the disciples and I don't see it within the body of Christ.
If that is the case, what you see as the "body of Christ" is not really the body of Christ.
Those baptized into Christ are like Christ.
I see a lot of Dake's teaching are not accepted by most Christians. I rejoice that I can understand dake's teaching. I believe Dake's teaching is awesome and don't go into rejection and the other stuff but when I see the junk that joined me over the years its like I am very bound.
So I am just thinking its a spirit of fear that stops people seeing the Dake's teaching. If you cannot recognize sin you cannot get out of it.
If you can recognize sin, you too CAN get out of it.
Pray to God for a local teacher that can guide you into all righteousness.
God will answer you.

Where are you at, Roy?

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Re: The bride of christ - fascinating Dake's take on this

Post by royplumber »

its fear and rejection but the fear I can see. passivity being alone and a 1,000 other fears that join that lot. The journey started when the Holy Spirit showed me gently very very gently that i was worshiping a gold calf. it was like are you sure you want me to show you this.

I had deliverance to remove a religious spirit I would break out in tears many times for 3-6 months that religous spirit was gone and it seamed my flesh pined for it back.

Then the next part of the journey unfolded. Because I belive I've been taught well but I had to go round the world thankful for that. I do understand about hiding in the bushes and do all the things Adam did. Thank you Adam.
it is all demonic and can be cast out. it will all just come back in without the maturity.

I think to be a overcomer I may have to just keep pressing in to the father. Which I find hard for the first time in my 30 years of following Jesus and 10 years following the father. I know the blindness is effected by my unsound mind (fear)
I just wonder if I am getting closer to the truth so all hells breaking out. Not a feelings anyone do I follow.
Oh he loves me I believe that

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