Dake Bible Discussion BoardA GREAT way to memorize Scripture

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A GREAT way to memorize Scripture

Post by bibleman »

Maybe you were not given a GIFT of Scriptures such as Rev Dake had....

But for all of us INLCUDING ME who have tried to memorize Scripture, I think I have found a great FREE program.

I started memorizing Scripture back in 1975. At that time I used a memory system by the basket ball star Jerry Lucus. It was a series of funny pictures that you associated with the text of Scripture.

Then I went to the card method. I would memorize a Scripture and then every add another. After 40 days I would drop off a Scripture so that I would be quoting about 40 Bible verses a day and then put the drop offs into a rotation where they would come back on every 80 days.

Anyway I have found a GREAT electronic method that you can put on your desktop, tablet or phone.

It is wonderful. You can add any verse and any translation you like and it creates memory cards for you to learn and review.

It is the best, maybe you might want to check it out.


God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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