Dake Bible Discussion BoardThe Woman Question

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Re: Romans, 7;

Post by Ironman »

Hi Macca. I watched a documentary yesterday after noon, Miriam in America, I think it was called. She goes from town to town, city to city across the USA speaking to people regarding their belief in God. She told one Christian family that she was a Jew, a homosexual, and an atheist. What mindset is that??

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Romans, 7;

Post by macca »

Like some of the blokes we worked with Haz.

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Re: Romans, 7;

Post by Ironman »

macca wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 12:26 am Like some of the blokes we worked with Haz.
Your so right. The Christian family she told that she was a Jew, homosexual and an atheist, the husband responded, "Do you think you might one day seek God and maybe turn to Him? "She immediately reliled, "No way, I'm very happy just the way I am. I am "ME" and no way will I change."

Sad isn't it how our adversary can blind many of us. I read in the papers this afternoon, there's an Australian man sending a petition world wide to have the incest laws changed to fall in line with the gay marriage laws. He says if gays and trans and all the other genders can love each one another and marry, and live together, he seen o reason for a father, daughter, mother son, brothers, sisters cannot do the same.

Its happening macca, God said this would happen.

‘Consensual incest’ should be decriminalized, advocates say
By Kathianne BonielloApril 17, 2021 | 2:09pm
https://www.bing.com/search?q=petition+ ... &PC=VALBAN

Australian Richard Morris, who is pushing to change incest laws in about 60 countries, said he supports the legal push in Manhattan Federal Court and that such behavior between consenting adults “should not be criminalized.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Romans, 7;

Post by macca »

The greens want paedophilia legal so what you said is no surprise to me.

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Re: Romans, 7;

Post by Hill Top »

Ironman wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:29 pm Hi Macca. I watched a documentary yesterday after noon, Miriam in America, I think it was called. She goes from town to town, city to city across the USA speaking to people regarding their belief in God. She told one Christian family that she was a Jew, a homosexual, and an atheist. What mindset is that??
But what else would you expect from a woman preacher. (1 Tim 2:12)

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The Woman Question

Post by macca »

Hill Top wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:34 pm
Ironman wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:29 pm Hi Macca. I watched a documentary yesterday after noon, Miriam in America, I think it was called. She goes from town to town, city to city across the USA speaking to people regarding their belief in God. She told one Christian family that she was a Jew, a homosexual, and an atheist. What mindset is that??
But what else would you expect from a woman preacher. (1 Tim 2:12)

Hello Hill Top, you need to listen to this 6 part teaching on "The Woman Question" by Kenneth E Hagin.

Here is the first one

Hill Top
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Re: Romans, 7;

Post by Hill Top »

macca wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:47 am
Hill Top wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:34 pm
Ironman wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:29 pm Hi Macca. I watched a documentary yesterday after noon, Miriam in America, I think it was called. She goes from town to town, city to city across the USA speaking to people regarding their belief in God. She told one Christian family that she was a Jew, a homosexual, and an atheist. What mindset is that??
But what else would you expect from a woman preacher. (1 Tim 2:12)

Hello Hill Top, you need to listen to this 6 part teaching on "The Woman Question" by Kenneth E Hagin.

Here is the first one
No thanks.
The bible is crystal clear on the matter.

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Re: The Woman Question

Post by Ironman »

God's Plan for Man;

Scripture plainly and clearly teaches that God calls women to preach. There is as much controversy regarding the subject, whether God calls women to preach as there is on all other doctrinal issues. Thankfully, as always, the Scriptures clear up this question like they do all others matters if we will but believe the Bible.

In the gospel there were several woman messengers who proclaimed the good news (Matt. 28:1-10; Luke 24:9-11; John 4:28-30; 20:16-18). Is proclaiming the good news preaching??

There is nothing in Scripture which says women cannot be used by God to further His work on this Earth?

Regarding these end time days, in Acts we have a prediction that God will pour out of His Spirit in the last days "UPON ALL FLESH; and your sons and DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; and upon my servants and upon my HANDMAIDENS I will pour out of my Spirit and they will prophesy." Prophesying is explained in 1 Cor. 14:3-4 as "speaking unto MEN to edification and exhortation and comfort." Thats preaching, teaching, praying, in anyones language. and God says He will pour out His Spirit upon men and WOMEN to enable them to do this!

These following passages prove to any unbiased mind that prophesying is for the church which has men and WOMEN members (1 Cor. 12:1-13; 14:1-6, 12, 24-26, 29-33).

In Acts 21:8-9 we read Philip had four daughters that did prophecy or preach in the early church.

In Romans 16 we have Phebe, Priscilla, Mary Junia, Tryphosa, Persis, all female names, women mentioned as laborers in the gospel.

In Phil. 4:2-3 we have Euodias and Syntyche, two women who are emntioned as leaders in the local church at Philippi. They are referred to as "those WOMEN which labored with me in the Gospel."

Paul speaks of the Corinthian women prophesying and praying in church (1 Cor. 11:4; 14:1-5, 23-26).

When Paul said for women to "keep silence in the church" he was not speaking of women prophesying or praying, but he referred to asking their husbands certain things at church.

He said, "If they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home" and not in the church (1 Cor. 14:34-35). But that they could speak and prophecy and pray in church is clear from 1 Cor. 11:4; 14:3-4, 23-26; and Acts 2:16-21.

Women have been used in all ages by God, Read there Scriptures and some men can disbelieve them if they want, but who realy cares? Its the Scriptures which matter and not what some men think. (Ex. 15:20; Judges 4:4; 2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chron. 34:22; Neh. 6:14; Isa. 8:3; Luke 1:39-56; 2:36).
God is soverign and He can use a woman when He pleases and He does not have to ask some mere man whom He should use and whether He should use a women or man. And most women I have heard have made more sense regarding doctrin than most men I have ever heard regarding doctrin or the actual Word of God?

Leaving the question of women aside regarding their Christian walk and what motivates them regarding God's Word, we can just as easily ask, "What dominates the average male Christians life regarding God's Word?"

It is not the major sins of the flesh that men permit to dominate them, but it is the sin of constantly doubting God and His Word that destroys the thruth and men’s relationship with Him.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: The Woman Question

Post by bibleman »

Ironman wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:12 pm God's Plan for Man;

Scripture plainly and clearly teaches that God calls women to preach. There is as much controversy regarding the subject, whether God calls women to preach as there is on all other doctrinal issues. Thankfully, as always, the Scriptures clear up this question like they do all others matters if we will but believe the Bible.

In the gospel there were several woman messengers who proclaimed the good news (Matt. 28:1-10; Luke 24:9-11; John 4:28-30; 20:16-18). Is proclaiming the good news preaching??

There is nothing in Scripture which says women cannot be used by God to further His work on this Earth?

Regarding these end time days, in Acts we have a prediction that God will pour out of His Spirit in the last days "UPON ALL FLESH; and your sons and DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; and upon my servants and upon my HANDMAIDENS I will pour out of my Spirit and they will prophesy." Prophesying is explained in 1 Cor. 14:3-4 as "speaking unto MEN to edification and exhortation and comfort." Thats preaching, teaching, praying, in anyones language. and God says He will pour out His Spirit upon men and WOMEN to enable them to do this!

These following passages prove to any unbiased mind that prophesying is for the church which has men and WOMEN members (1 Cor. 12:1-13; 14:1-6, 12, 24-26, 29-33).

In Acts 21:8-9 we read Philip had four daughters that did prophecy or preach in the early church.

In Romans 16 we have Phebe, Priscilla, Mary Junia, Tryphosa, Persis, all female names, women mentioned as laborers in the gospel.

In Phil. 4:2-3 we have Euodias and Syntyche, two women who are emntioned as leaders in the local church at Philippi. They are referred to as "those WOMEN which labored with me in the Gospel."

Paul speaks of the Corinthian women prophesying and praying in church (1 Cor. 11:4; 14:1-5, 23-26).

When Paul said for women to "keep silence in the church" he was not speaking of women prophesying or praying, but he referred to asking their husbands certain things at church.

He said, "If they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home" and not in the church (1 Cor. 14:34-35). But that they could speak and prophecy and pray in church is clear from 1 Cor. 11:4; 14:3-4, 23-26; and Acts 2:16-21.

Women have been used in all ages by God, Read there Scriptures and some men can disbelieve them if they want, but who realy cares? Its the Scriptures which matter and not what some men think. (Ex. 15:20; Judges 4:4; 2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chron. 34:22; Neh. 6:14; Isa. 8:3; Luke 1:39-56; 2:36).
God is soverign and He can use a woman when He pleases and He does not have to ask some mere man whom He should use and whether He should use a women or man. And most women I have heard have made more sense regarding doctrin than most men I have ever heard regarding doctrin or the actual Word of God?

Leaving the question of women aside regarding their Christian walk and what motivates them regarding God's Word, we can just as easily ask, "What dominates the average male Christians life regarding God's Word?"

It is not the major sins of the flesh that men permit to dominate them, but it is the sin of constantly doubting God and His Word that destroys the thruth and men’s relationship with Him.
"It is not the major sins of the flesh that men permit to dominate them, but it is the sin of constantly doubting God and His Word that destroys the truth and men’s relationship with Him."

Boy... there sho nuff is a lot of that around here on this board.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: The Woman Question

Post by macca »

Acts. 21:8-9;
On the next day we who were Paul's companions departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Phillip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him.
Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.

Hill Top,
What are you going to do with Phillip's daughters ?

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