Dake Bible Discussion BoardDake quoting scriptures

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Dake quoting scriptures

Post by luchnia »

Hello all - been a while since I have been on the boards, but I was curious about something to see if any had any insight. Thought I would post it as a new topic.

Is there any record of anyone in our time frame that was ever noted for quoting the bible like Dake, or even parts of it instead of just verses as we so often hear? When you watch Dake's lectures or listen to Dake for any period of time you have to stand amazed at how he could pull up any verse from KJV at any time and pretty much without error AND right on the topic or theme. As I get older I don't seem to remember scripture like I used to and I seem more in awe of this ability that Dake had and the fact that it did not diminish much, if at all, as he got older.

Among many things of God's word, I think this ability is something that is not seen in today's age. Maybe this is more what Jesus meant by finding faith when he returns. I am bound to think that men with the Holy Spirit should be much more "in tune" with God's word than what I see in this day and age.

Word up!
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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by branham1965 »

REVEREND DAKE had a supernatural Gift given him by the Lord.After he was born again

he sought God for the Holy Ghost.He received Him and he spoke in other tongues and had the Scriptures come out of him like rivers of living waters.Scriptures he never even read he could quote.

luchnia wrote:Hello all - been a while since I have been on the boards, but I was curious about something to see if any had any insight. Thought I would post it as a new topic.

Is there any record of anyone in our time frame that was ever noted for quoting the bible like Dake, or even parts of it instead of just verses as we so often hear? When you watch Dake's lectures or listen to Dake for any period of time you have to stand amazed at how he could pull up any verse from KJV at any time and pretty much without error AND right on the topic or theme. As I get older I don't seem to remember scripture like I used to and I seem more in awe of this ability that Dake had and the fact that it did not diminish much, if at all, as he got older.

Among many things of God's word, I think this ability is something that is not seen in today's age. Maybe this is more what Jesus meant by finding faith when he returns. I am bound to think that men with the Holy Spirit should be much more "in tune" with God's word than what I see in this day and age.

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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by macca »

Just thought i would slip this in here.
1890 St Louis, Missouri. On the "Kerry Patch" with Maris Woodworth Etta. page 117 under the heading

Many were baptized with the Holy Ghost, and received many gifts; all the gifts were manifested by the Holy Ghost.
Many received the gifts of healing; the casting out of devils; some of miracles; of visions; of the gifts of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands; some received the gift of new tongues, and spake very intelligently in other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance. He gave them to know what they were speaking.

The Lord called one man by name, and told him he must go to many nations, to give them the light, and to speak to them in their own languages,
and gave him the gift of writing the interpretation. He also saw many visions.
The Lord revealed the deep things to him. Since then he has preached to many strange people of all nations.
They would weep, and cry out and say, "We will serve the man that died for us"

After reading some of this book " a Diary of signs and wonders" i find the gift that the Holy Spirit gave Dake not so strange at all.


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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by branham1965 »


MOTHER ETTER told the Lord she could not preach because she did not know the Bible .God showed her a great vision and she said she received knowledge of the Word.All of it.
i'm paraphrasing from memory.

She was a remarkable woman.
She was doing all you said before the Azusa Street outpouring or Brother Parhams in Kansas i think it was.before Brother William Seymour and the Apostolic

macca wrote:Just thought i would slip this in here.
1890 St Louis, Missouri. On the "Kerry Patch" with Maris Woodworth Etta. page 117 under the heading

Many were baptized with the Holy Ghost, and received many gifts; all the gifts were manifested by the Holy Ghost.
Many received the gifts of healing; the casting out of devils; some of miracles; of visions; of the gifts of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands; some received the gift of new tongues, and spake very intelligently in other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance. He gave them to know what they were speaking.

The Lord called one man by name, and told him he must go to many nations, to give them the light, and to speak to them in their own languages,
and gave him the gift of writing the interpretation. He also saw many visions.
The Lord revealed the deep things to him. Since then he has preached to many strange people of all nations.
They would weep, and cry out and say, "We will serve the man that died for us"

After reading some of this book " a Diary of signs and wonders" i find the gift that the Holy Spirit gave Dake not so strange at all.


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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by DeafManHealing »

Obviously I can not hear audio or video of what is being said unless there was closed captioning or subtitles.

The Dake notes are very interesting to read and research. Remember Dake was living in the 1940's at a time when such knowledge would have to come from so many hours of reading books and absorbing information that could only have come from another era. The Dake notes are very detailed.

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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by branham1965 »

he did study like few men or women ever did.

but before that he could quote unread and unstudied Scriptures by a supernatural divine Gift.

and all his life he could quote the Word by the Holy Ghost.

DeafManHealing wrote:Obviously I can not hear audio or video of what is being said unless there was closed captioning or subtitles.

The Dake notes are very interesting to read and research. Remember Dake was living in the 1940's at a time when such knowledge would have to come from so many hours of reading books and absorbing information that could only have come from another era. The Dake notes are very detailed.

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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by Ironman »

Ask God and He will deliver all we need.
Even Moses was afraid and could not even speak eleoquently, I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue. God gave him all he needed even way back then!

Exodus 4:10. And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

11, And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?


Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by luchnia »

branham1965 wrote:he did study like few men or women ever did.
He certainly spent the time it seems. I suppose that "depth" is not sought after as was in those days.

Word up!
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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by branham1965 »

they say he spent over 100,000 hours to make the Dake Reference Bible.

That was completed in 1963.

After 1963 i am certain that he spent many more hours in the Word until he went home in 1987.

i recall he quoted the entire book of Revelation at Lester Sumrall's Church.

He was such an amazing man.

if you haven't read it get Rev.Leon Bible's book on Reverend Dake's life.

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Re: Dake quoting scriptures

Post by titus213 »

luchnia wrote:Hello all - been a while since I have been on the boards, but I was curious about something to see if any had any insight. Thought I would post it as a new topic.

Is there any record of anyone in our time frame that was ever noted for quoting the bible like Dake, or even parts of it instead of just verses as we so often hear? When you watch Dake's lectures or listen to Dake for any period of time you have to stand amazed at how he could pull up any verse from KJV at any time and pretty much without error AND right on the topic or theme. As I get older I don't seem to remember scripture like I used to and I seem more in awe of this ability that Dake had and the fact that it did not diminish much, if at all, as he got older.
The only person I ever heard who came anywhere close is evangelist Jack van Impe. But he did it by spending much time memorizing scripture using cards and so forth. As good as such a practice is, it doesn't really compare to Rev. Dake's gift which was an impartation of a supernatural gift of the Spirit, not the result of determined memorization. It truly was a miracle of revelation, not recall.

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