Dake Bible Discussion BoardBaptism in the Holy Spirit

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Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Post by Jay »

I grew up in Southern Baptist churches and somewhere along the line I heard that "speaking tongues was of the devil".

When I was 18, I got serious with God and I WAS baptized in the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in unknown tongues.

I was in my red, 1976 America Motors Pacer, driving east on 9th Street and turning north on Main Street in Perryton, Texas. Right in the middle of the intersection is where Jesus immersed my spirit into the Holy Spirit! Instantly, I began to pray in other tongues, giving thanks and praise to God. I felt like I had been plugged into 440 volts of electricity and had ice water thrown all over me! The power was incredible and it completely changed my life! From that moment on God began to show me things in the spiritual realm and He began to speak to me and called me to the ministry.

While I was pastoring in South Texas, my cousin, who is about the same age called and told me she had been baptized in the Holy Spirit that night. I just always thought she had already been since her mom and dad, my aunt and uncle were baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1948, long before I was born. Unlike me though, my cousin didn't feel anything. She just accepted God's gift and praying in tongues. She said, "Maybe that is what God had to do to put you over the sins in your life." Maybe she's right.

What was your experience when you were baptized in the Holy Spirit? What difference did you notice in your spiritual walk after being baptized in the Holy Spirit? What do you think you are able to do now, as a Spirit filled believer, that you would not have been able to do before?


Hebrews 10:35-36
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
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Re: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Post by Ironman »

I know I have a measure of the Holy Spirit, how to measure my measure of it I do not know. I am not filled with the Holy Spirit as I have never, so far, spoken in tongues. I do know that speaking in tongues is one of the many gifts we can have but as I have said, it's one I do not have the gift of speaking in tongues as yet.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Post by macca »

Haz, the gift of tongues that is in Corintians chapters 12-14; is very different to the prayer language spoken of by Paul in chapter 14;
That prayer language is available to everyone who will be immersed into the Holy Spirit.
The gift of tongues is for the coming together of believers and those interested in God, for when one gives a tongue he should pray for the interpretation of the tongue so that those hearing will understand what God has said,
And the secrets of the unbelievers will be revealed so they will know that God is real.
The prayer language is for your own edification Haz, no one else, it will build you up and strengthen you in the Holy Spirit and God will speak to your spirit and you to Him.
Seek the baptism Haz, don't seek tongues.

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Re: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Post by Jay »

macca wrote:Haz, the gift of tongues that is in Corintians chapters 12-14; is very different to the prayer language spoken of by Paul in chapter 14;
That prayer language is available to everyone who will be immersed into the Holy Spirit.
The gift of tongues is for the coming together of believers and those interested in God, for when one gives a tongue he should pray for the interpretation of the tongue so that those hearing will understand what God has said,
And the secrets of the unbelievers will be revealed so they will know that God is real.
The prayer language is for your own edification Haz, no one else, it will build you up and strengthen you in the Holy Spirit and God will speak to your spirit and you to Him.
Seek the baptism Haz, don't seek tongues.
Amen Macca! When all of this happened to me, I had given my life back to the Lord after falling away five years earlier. I had made the decision that NO MATTER how I felt, I was going to serve the Lord and about two weeks after that is when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. POWER, POWER, POWER!!! I don't even know how to really express it but it was SO incredible. From that moment, the Lord really opened my eyes to the spiritual world to which I had been so blind. I began to hear him speak to me and he even healed me of strep-throat, INSTANTLY! There were so many other things that the Lord began to show me that it isn't possible to put them all here.

Kenneth Hagin has a great book on the subject, it is one of his little mini-books and I believe the title is "Why Tongues." One of the biggest things I think that hinders believers is that they believe God is going to knock them out and take over their tongue and MAKE them start speaking in tongues where Acts 2 says, "THEY SPOKE in tongues AS THE SPIRIT GAVE THEM UTTERANCE." The best way I describe it is, YOU begin to speak in tongues as you hear the sound in your head. But, the tongues come as a result of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is almost as if you are brought to a precipice as you worship and thank God for the baptism and as you begin to speak in tongues, you fall off the other edge. I know that probably isn't a great description but it is how it worked with this ol' Baptist boy that once thought tongues were of the devil. And, like Macca said, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is available to all believers where the gift of tongues in 1 Cor. 12 is a gift that is given to some.

Hebrews 10:35-36
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
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Re: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Post by macca »

Thanks Jay, I love Dads tape set on tongues, it's a great blessing.
The fact that when we need to pray for something or someone and we are not up to date on all the circumstances involved, that's when praying with tongues opens that all up between us and God.
The sense of victory is very apparent after a while and meantime we are building ourselves up in our most holy faith.

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Re: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Post by Jay »

macca wrote:Thanks Jay, I love Dads tape set on tongues, it's a great blessing.
The fact that when we need to pray for something or someone and we are not up to date on all the circumstances involved, that's when praying with tongues opens that all up between us and God.
The sense of victory is very apparent after a while and meantime we are building ourselves up in our most holy faith.
I once heard Oral Roberts say that he would often pray in tongues and then ask the Lord for the interpretation. He said he received a lot of direction from God that way. It really hit me when he said that and I thought, "Why Not!"

I just went to a meeting with the man that is over all the Life Groups (Sunday Schools) at First Baptist Church of Orlando. They want me to teach our class since our other teacher has moved to Alabama. I had to fill out a questionnaire about my beliefs. A couple of the questions were about "tongues" and one of the first things he asked me was about my beliefs about tongues. I was really quite surprised when he didn't make it out to be something that would stop me from teaching. I told him that I believe in using wisdom in those things but that if someone asks me, I will definitely tell them what God has done for me and what I believe. I gave him my whole testimony about being saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The one issue that he did ask me about and could have been a deal breaker was if I was a Calvinist! LOL.


Hebrews 10:35-36
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
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