Dake Bible Discussion BoardSuicide is sin.

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Suicide is sin.

Post by Ironman »

Thousands of older people exploring 'rational suicide':

http://www.theherald.com.au/story/36688 ... e/?cs=2373

Thousands of older people are investigating peaceful methods to end their own lives because they want to control the nature and timing of their death
Last week, Fairfax Media told the story of Peter and Pat Shaw – Exit members who took their own lives together in their home when they were both aged 87. Before their deaths, they told their family they were rational, had lived full lives, and did not want to run the risk of further ill health and institutionalisation.

[The devil has people convinced voluntary suicide is ok?]

I wonder how God will look at this?

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Suicide is sin.

Post by branham1965 »

i agree with you mate.

there ARE cases when blokes are off their rockers and do it.

only God judgeth.

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Re: Suicide is sin.

Post by Ironman »

branham1965 wrote:i agree with you mate.

there ARE cases when blokes are off their rockers and do it.

only God judgeth.
Its sad billy, they don't know they are lost taking their own lives. God forgive them.

Billy, I pray you are ok and can survive the snow storm and strong winds predicted for your area. Its on the news here tonight mate!

God bless and protect billy and his family and his countrymen from the storm heading his way!

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Suicide is sin.

Post by branham1965 »

thanks mate.

Ironman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:i agree with you mate.

there ARE cases when blokes are off their rockers and do it.

only God judgeth.
Its sad billy, they don't know they are lost taking their own lives. God forgive them.

Billy, I pray you are ok and can survive the snow storm and strong winds predicted for your area. Its on the news here tonight mate!

God bless and protect billy and his family and his countrymen from the storm heading his way!

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Re: Suicide is sin.

Post by Ironman »

I personally knew a man who regularly interfered with his own daughter from age nine to age 13. She finally came out about this to a school councillor then her mother. Everyone was in shock. He killed himself not long after being found out just before he had to front police and be charged.

When spoken about every one who knew him, including the girls mother says, "He got away with it." I tell them, "No," he may have gotten away with this in your eyes, here now on Earth, but if is any consolation to you, I tell remind them of past saved men, a king, "Saul," an apostle, "Judas," even angels, "Lucifer," and many others.

I tell them, he had his name removed from the book of life by God because of not facing up to the horrific sin he committed, and repenting, but like the coward he was, he took his own life.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Suicide is sin.

Post by titus213 »

Tragic . . . the Stoic philosophy Paul bumped into at Athens (Acts 17) also promoted the idea of "reasonable suicide". Human reason was seen as the only true guide until it can find nothing left to live for, and then suicide became the only noble action to take. The first two leaders of Stoicism killed themselves. It's interesting that God saw fit to include these two pagan philosophies (Stoics and Epicureans) in the Bible because virtually all modern attitudes among unbelievers stem from one or the other.
Ironman wrote:Thousands of older people exploring 'rational suicide':

http://www.theherald.com.au/story/36688 ... e/?cs=2373

Thousands of older people are investigating peaceful methods to end their own lives because they want to control the nature and timing of their death
Last week, Fairfax Media told the story of Peter and Pat Shaw – Exit members who took their own lives together in their home when they were both aged 87. Before their deaths, they told their family they were rational, had lived full lives, and did not want to run the risk of further ill health and institutionalisation.

[The devil has people convinced voluntary suicide is ok?]

I wonder how God will look at this?

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