Dake Bible Discussion BoardHalloween

General Discussion Forum devoted to the study of God's Word in Honor of Finis J. Dake.
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Re: Halloween

Post by Rocky »

OK wow! First of all It was encouraging to see some of the recreant replies and I admit a little discouraged about some of the others. To those that are being the discouraging ones. I forgive and love you. I pray that the Lord blesses you and shows His love and mercy on you. No matter what people say it just makes me want to love you even harder because then maybe you will see that Christians that look like I do are not "demonic freaks". We love the undesirables, even the judgmental Christians out there. OK now saying that: To Ironman, here is the scriptures that you used to try to beat me over the head with:
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." (Matt. 23:27).
"which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness."
These were directed at the religious judgmental hypocrites. Who looked beautiful and religious on the outside but inside are ugly. Hmm, You are using them completely out of context to justify your ways. Some of the stuff you said seemed very unchristian any way so I don't need to specificly address them. Your own words condemn you, I don't need to reply. I love you any way brother. And you are entitled to you opinions.
You said Jesus called a spade a spade
he sure did, go look in the mirror brother.

Ok now Ed:
If someone claims to be Christian but dresses in a manner that they know will evoke reaction, should we not question their motive when they get a reaction and act like it is unjust Well I don't know about you but even if I looked like what you call normal I still would get reactions because of the simple fact I am Christian.
You dress for reaction and when you get a reaction you express contempt for those that react
If Rocky's dress was not abnormal we would not be having this discussion. And if we all dressed like Rocky does now he would probably want to dress another way. That is his decision and people's reaction is normal reaction to someone that dresses different
It is normal and I Understand. But I don't dress to get a reactions out of people. The way I look has nothing to do with shocking people or trying to get reactions. I do it because I like to. And I don't think you are worth my time in explaining it in detail. If you would have asked and acted like this in a Christian manner, assuming you are one because you claim to be, I would have told you. I pray that one day you and Ironman will see how judging is ugly, that your behavior is uglier then my clothes and piercings. I may be a sheep in wolfs clothing lol. But some Christian are a wolf and sheeps clothing. :shock:

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Re: Halloween

Post by Justaned »

As I said the way people react to you in your problem not mine. Enough said.

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Re: Halloween

Post by Reuben »

Jesus loves sinners, drug addicts, porn stars... yes he does. However, what's your point? Just because he loves them doesn't mean their isn't a requirement to change. They will die and go to Hell unless they repent of their sin and receive forgiveness. When they get saved, they will no longer be a drug addict, porn star...

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Re: Halloween

Post by Justaned »

Reuben wrote:Jesus loves sinners, drug addicts, porn stars... yes he does. However, what's your point? Just because he loves them doesn't mean their isn't a requirement to change. They will die and go to Hell unless they repent of their sin and receive forgiveness. When they get saved, they will no longer be a drug addict, porn star...

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Re: Halloween

Post by Ironman »

macca wrote:Come on Rocky lets start our own board and leave Ed's board to the judges of this world. ba humbug, you fellows make me sick. :-|

macca the fed up
Macca, People who hate people who dont pall up to people like these make me sick.

If you were fighting in the trenches with this bloke, what would you do?

Tell you what I would do! I would put him on my sholders face the enemies line, call out, Oi'h Oi'h over here, and stand up!


How would you like your grandson to turn up with her?
Meet her mother
Her brother
Lets check out his back parts
No judging their apperances now?
Now we all know God loves all men and want all to be saved, but try and convince me He would agree with the above, and if they die unrepentant, would they enter Gods Kingdom by appearance alone?

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Halloween

Post by Justaned »

Ironman the people in those pictures are rowing through life using only one oar.

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Re: Halloween

Post by Ironman »

Justaned wrote:Ironman the people in those pictures are rowing through life using only one oar.
They sure are! Now how can any normal person not judge these people by their appearance? Would anyone hire them to work in their business?

How can any normal person say; "Oh I dont judge these people by their apperance, they are lovely people, they just like looking like demonic wierdo's! If one of my daughters or grand daughters turned up with a guy like the Tigger, wanting to marry him, would I judge him by his appearance? No, not at all, I'd grab my Winchester 44 magnum and shoot him right between the eyes! Tell the law enforcement officers a tiger has escaped from the zoo and I was afraid, and then face the music.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Halloween

Post by Ironman »

Macca wrote;
" you fellows make me sick."

Mate, I'm sorry if I made you feel sick, but I cannot stand people who mark their bodies in the way they do these days. I'm sure God loves them and Jesus died for them as He died for us, but like homosexuals, God does not condone this practice! Unless they repent and stop. As you can see, many not only do not stop having tattoos, they cover their whole bodies then their children!

I have pictures of tattoo covered people who have had their BABIES done. One child only several months old has his whole right arm covered????

So, lets not judge them by their appearance, they must be mad to do such things to their children?

Heres Mommy! Lets not judge her by her appearance.


And heres Bubby!


Heres the baby with the full arm tattoo!


Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Halloween

Post by macca »

i could not give a fig about all that dust about tats, its the way you lot are treating Rocky thats set me off. :2gunfire:

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Re: Halloween

Post by branham1965 »

i dont understand your thing.and im sorry for joking with you.i pmed you.
there is NO ONE on this board IN GREATER NEED OF GOD'S HELP than i am.
macca wrote:i could not give a fig about all that dust about tats, its the way you lot are treating Rocky thats set me off. :2gunfire:

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