Dake Bible Discussion BoardUnto What Then Were You Baptized???

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Unto What Then Were You Baptized???

Post by branham1965 »

I have visited Churches here which preached the Word but totally neglected

and virtually ignored the Divine Imperative of Water Baptism .

I think Dr.Bullinger has had a terrible effect IN THIS WAY

on God's Church.

WATCHMAN NEE said that Protestants have changed Mark 16:15-16 to read he that believeth and is saved shall be baptized.

But the Lord said he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.

I am not advocating baptismal regeneration.

REVEREND DAKE taught us that after repentance and faith then comes obedience to the Lord in the waters of baptism.

see notes on Matthew 3.

what say ye???

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Re: Unto What Then Were You Baptized???

Post by Ironman »

REVEREND DAKE taught us that after repentance and faith then comes obedience to the Lord in the waters of baptism.

That's what I did Billy; I realised I was a sinner and far from God, I repented, I obeyed God in all things as best as I humanly could, I studied God's Word and then after about a year or so later, I was baptized in a friends swimming pool, fully immersed by the minister. When I came up out of the water I felt different, a warm glow came over me, I was deliriously happy that day and have been ever since.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Little Children, Let No Man Deceive You: He that Doeth Righteousness is Righteous, Even as He is Righteous
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Re: Unto What Then Were You Baptized???

Post by branham1965 »

Thank you for sharing that my friend.I t is wonderful.
:Fade-color :scatter:
Ironman wrote:REVEREND DAKE taught us that after repentance and faith then comes obedience to the Lord in the waters of baptism.

That's what I did Billy; I realised I was a sinner and far from God, I repented, I obeyed God in all things as best as I humanly could, I studied God's Word and then after about a year or so later, I was baptized in a friends swimming pool, fully immersed by the minister. When I came up out of the water I felt different, a warm glow came over me, I was deliriously happy that day and have been ever since.

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