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Post by Justaned »

Excuse me Ray for not correctly stating your position, I had misunderstood. Like I said it is a lot to digest.

However that said I still think Satan gets far more credit for the evil that goes on in this world and as man true to form shifts blame from his lack of self control and sin nature unto Satan.

Man like to equate himself to God and blame all his short comings on Satan. John tells us in 1John that the Lust of the Eyes, Lust of Flesh and Pride of Life is of this world which means of our fallen nature. It is natural for man to lust over things, but it speaks of the condition of our heart, on how long we entertain such thoughts. If something catches our eye that is our natural man, if we dwell on them that is saying our hearts haven't been fully circumcized, if we dismiss them and move on immdiately then we know Christ is dwelling in us and we have made HIm Lord of our lives. If we dwell on it and let it lead us into sin then we know Jesus isn't Lord but it is still our flesh.

James 1:14-15 (NKJV)
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

Here James puts the blame for our temptations squarely on our shoulders. We tempted by our own desires.

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Little Children, Let No Man Deceive You: He that Doeth Righteousness is Righteous, Even as He is Righteous
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Post by branham1965 »

Good Lord....REVED is turning Campbellite.even the Baptists know theres devils demons and demonic power!!!!who possessed that boy to kill those kids???
the devil. :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp:
Justaned wrote:Excuse me Ray for not correctly stating your position, I had misunderstood. Like I said it is a lot to digest.

However that said I still think Satan gets far more credit for the evil that goes on in this world and as man true to form shifts blame from his lack of self control and sin nature unto Satan.

Man like to equate himself to God and blame all his short comings on Satan. John tells us in 1John that the Lust of the Eyes, Lust of Flesh and Pride of Life is of this world which means of our fallen nature. It is natural for man to lust over things, but it speaks of the condition of our heart, on how long we entertain such thoughts. If something catches our eye that is our natural man, if we dwell on them that is saying our hearts haven't been fully circumcized, if we dismiss them and move on immdiately then we know Christ is dwelling in us and we have made HIm Lord of our lives. If we dwell on it and let it lead us into sin then we know Jesus isn't Lord but it is still our flesh.

James 1:14-15 (NKJV)
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

Here James puts the blame for our temptations squarely on our shoulders. We tempted by our own desires.

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Little Children, Let No Man Deceive You: He that Doeth Righteousness is Righteous, Even as He is Righteous
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Post by branham1965 »

no offence.but thats horse manure.
the devils roaring more now than ever!!!!!!!lucifer has been moving and his hosts for the last 2000 years!!!the great falling away??? CHRISTIANS WERE FED TO LIONS????KILLED.BUTCHERED.CRUCIFIED BY ROME!!!!NO DEVIL!!!????
the dark ages.the black death.the horrors of PAPACY!!!!!!
WW1...WW2???? mankind ready to blow himself off the face off the Earth.no devil???!!!
NO DEVIL!!!!???? THE RISE OF ISLAM!!!!1 BILLION MUSLIMS CALL UPON A FALSE god today!!!!no devil????
only we in the WEST with our prosperity would gobble such a thing up. :neutral: :neutral:
Ray wrote:
branham1965 wrote:no devils or demons???? :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: theres a devil loose!!!!!if he was roaring in Peters day 1 Peter 5 and he killed the beloved Apostle.how much worse is he today!!!North Korea is ready to fight!!
i saw it in one of Jack Chicks tracts today that he felt America was going to be destroyed by fire...he didnt reveal his "source."but i knew exactly who he was referring too!!!!thats right!!! +wink
:| available here at ministry helps they shall expel demons by Derek Prince.
there is a order in the kingdom of darkness.the devil at the top then the rest Eph 6:10ff.
the flesh is responsible for much.BALANCE IS THE KEY TO ALL GOOD SPIRITUAL TEACHING..........but devils are more active now than ever.
Ray made some interesting points.BUT saying Satan is bound now is ridiculous.its rubbish.false teaching.
he might be for some folks but he never has been for me since 1975.

Justaned wrote:
dolph wrote:
Justaned wrote:Been my experience from years of people watching, listening to the news and counseling that people Satan can be sound to sleep, the unredeemed flesh of fallen man can think up even more than Satan can.
Yea Ed, but who plant's the sinful lie in the person's mind? Man's fallen nature, the flesh, is another source of bad actions by man. You do believe that Satan is real, don't you Ed? Or, have you torn those pages out of your Bible too, along with divine healing and prosperity?
Yes I beleive in Satan but I'm not so irresponsible to try to blame Satan for things that I do. I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus dwells in me not Satan. If I sin it is because I choose to rebel not because the devil made me do it.
Satan may bring a temptation across my bow from time to time but even then not often because frankly Satan has bigger fishes to fry.

When a guy like you or me sins Satan probably doesn't even know it, he knows man's flesh is weak and man will give into the lust of the flesh, lust of eye or pride of life if he isn't walking close the to the Lord.

In fact I would not be surprised to learn that Ray was right and Satan was bound and all the evil that happened these last 2000 years has been evil birthed and conceived by the unredeemed flesh of fallen man.

I have never believed that satan was bound as to the tempting of mankind to sin. What I have believed that a period of time from the CROSS until now, that Rev 20 calls a thousand years that satan was to be bound (stopped, halted, hindered) of deceiving the nations (the Gentiles) of receiving the TRUTH of The GOSPEL of Salvation, as The Salvation message and a relationship with THE TRUE GOD was hid (not given ) to the Gentiles until a short period after the CROSS, Yet I now see this period of satan being bound has come to an end and may have ended for some time as the deception of satan is widespred and well accepted by the masses of mankind. I believe there was a time from the CROSS until maybe 100 years ago that there was a TRUE Hunger for Our LORD by us Gentiles a time before technology and the pride of man has completely taken the Heart and Mind and works of mankind, as much of mankind have been deceived into believing that the Wisdom of mankind surpasses the Wisdom of THE WORD OF GOD.

Revelation 20:
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

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Post by titus213 »

What I have believed that a period of time from the CROSS until now, that Rev 20 calls a thousand years that satan was to be bound (stopped, halted, hindered) of deceiving the nations (the Gentiles)

However, Rev. 20.1-3 does not state that Satan is merely stopped or hindered; he is not only made powerless (the picture given by the chain binding Satan), he is also removed from the scene of action (cast into the bottomless pit, shut up, and sealed in). No matter how figurative one may want to make the language in these 3 verses, they still signify the removal of Satan himself from the sphere of his previous operation as well as his inability to continue his work.

It is obvious that from the cross until now, Satan has not been removed, no matter how much some may think he has been hindered from deceiving the nations.

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Post by victoryword »

Ray wrote: Brothers,
I have never believed that satan was bound as to the tempting of mankind to sin. What I have believed that a period of time from the CROSS until now, that Rev 20 calls a thousand years that satan was to be bound (stopped, halted, hindered) of deceiving the nations (the Gentiles) of receiving the TRUTH of The GOSPEL of Salvation, as The Salvation message and a relationship with THE TRUE GOD was hid (not given ) to the Gentiles until a short period after the CROSS, Yet I now see this period of satan being bound has come to an end and may have ended for some time as the deception of satan is widespred and well accepted by the masses of mankind. I believe there was a time from the CROSS until maybe 100 years ago that there was a TRUE Hunger for Our LORD by us Gentiles a time before technology and the pride of man has completely taken the Heart and Mind and works of mankind, as much of mankind have been deceived into believing that the Wisdom of mankind surpasses the Wisdom of THE WORD OF GOD.

Revelation 20:
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
This sounds a like like Preterism.

I strongly disagree with this position. Satan's binding and the millenium is future.

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Little Children, Let No Man Deceive You: He that Doeth Righteousness is Righteous, Even as He is Righteous
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Post by Justaned »

branham1965 wrote:Good Lord....REVED is turning Campbellite.even the Baptists know theres devils demons and demonic power!!!!who possessed that boy to kill those kids???
the devil. :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp:
Justaned wrote:Excuse me Ray for not correctly stating your position, I had misunderstood. Like I said it is a lot to digest.

However that said I still think Satan gets far more credit for the evil that goes on in this world and as man true to form shifts blame from his lack of self control and sin nature unto Satan.

Man like to equate himself to God and blame all his short comings on Satan. John tells us in 1John that the Lust of the Eyes, Lust of Flesh and Pride of Life is of this world which means of our fallen nature. It is natural for man to lust over things, but it speaks of the condition of our heart, on how long we entertain such thoughts. If something catches our eye that is our natural man, if we dwell on them that is saying our hearts haven't been fully circumcized, if we dismiss them and move on immdiately then we know Christ is dwelling in us and we have made HIm Lord of our lives. If we dwell on it and let it lead us into sin then we know Jesus isn't Lord but it is still our flesh.

James 1:14-15 (NKJV)
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

Here James puts the blame for our temptations squarely on our shoulders. We tempted by our own desires.
If you want to blame that killing on demons okay. But know this man's mind is capable of doing the same thing without demons.
We always want to categorized sin. A little white lie is nothing more than us slipping but the horendous murder of children is demons. Yet God calls sin sin and tells us sin is birthed as seen in James. James 1:14-15 (NKJV)
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

If demons are to be blamed for this horrendous act of murder then we can't hold the person responsible for anything more than letting a demon possess him.

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Post by titus213 »

If demons are to be blamed for this horrendous act of murder then we can't hold the person responsible for anything more than letting a demon possess him.

By this logic, since Satan is to be blamed for tempting Adam, God was wrong to hold Adam responsible for anything more than yielding to temptation. The passage in James cannot just be lifted out to somehow discount all the many other biblical passges which reveal the working of Satan and demons in the world.

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Little Children, Let No Man Deceive You: He that Doeth Righteousness is Righteous, Even as He is Righteous
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Post by Justaned »

fatherfisher wrote:If demons are to be blamed for this horrendous act of murder then we can't hold the person responsible for anything more than letting a demon possess him.

By this logic, since Satan is to be blamed for tempting Adam, God was wrong to hold Adam responsible for anything more than yielding to temptation. The passage in James cannot just be lifted out to somehow discount all the many other biblical passges which reveal the working of Satan and demons in the world.
Satan never tempted Adam, Adam followed Eve.
Again I never said discount anyone, I said most of what man does is conceived of man and committed by man. Do you deny this?

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Post by Ironman »

Justaned wrote:
fatherfisher wrote:If demons are to be blamed for this horrendous act of murder then we can't hold the person responsible for anything more than letting a demon possess him.

By this logic, since Satan is to be blamed for tempting Adam, God was wrong to hold Adam responsible for anything more than yielding to temptation. The passage in James cannot just be lifted out to somehow discount all the many other biblical passges which reveal the working of Satan and demons in the world.
Satan never tempted Adam, Adam followed Eve.
Again I never said discount anyone, I said most of what man does is conceived of man and committed by man. Do you deny this?
Adam was with Eve and is without excuse. Adam even tried to blame God by saying if God had not given him his wife he would not have sinned. Further proof that Adam was present when his wife was tempted, and he did nothing to protect her because he himself wanted to eat of the forbidden fruit. It was Adams duty to cultivate and keep the garden from all inturders. Adam failed and so, sin entered and satan became the pseudo-ruler of the restored earth.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Post by Ironman »

victoryword wrote:
Ray wrote: Brothers,
I have never believed that satan was bound as to the tempting of mankind to sin. What I have believed that a period of time from the CROSS until now, that Rev 20 calls a thousand years that satan was to be bound (stopped, halted, hindered) of deceiving the nations (the Gentiles) of receiving the TRUTH of The GOSPEL of Salvation, as The Salvation message and a relationship with THE TRUE GOD was hid (not given ) to the Gentiles until a short period after the CROSS, Yet I now see this period of satan being bound has come to an end and may have ended for some time as the deception of satan is widespred and well accepted by the masses of mankind. I believe there was a time from the CROSS until maybe 100 years ago that there was a TRUE Hunger for Our LORD by us Gentiles a time before technology and the pride of man has completely taken the Heart and Mind and works of mankind, as much of mankind have been deceived into believing that the Wisdom of mankind surpasses the Wisdom of THE WORD OF GOD.

Revelation 20:
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
This sounds a like like Preterism.

I strongly disagree with this position. Satan's binding and the millenium is future.

I agree also, Satan's binding and the millenium is definately future.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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