Dake Bible Discussion BoardIsn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

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Hill Top
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Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Hill Top »

Ironman wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:55 pm
Hill Top wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 2:12 pm
I'll add this too...
Jesus doesn't need a body to be somewhere.
That's catholic teaching.
Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?
What body does a spirit have?
Jesus has a glorified flesh and bone body. He is sitting at His Fathers right hand in Heaven. He will not and does not go anywhere without His body.
He does now, but He didn't while laying in the tomb.
It is written..."Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17)

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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Ironman »

Hiltop wrote;
"Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?"
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit too! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead and has His own body.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Hill Top
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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Hill Top »

Ironman wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:54 pm Hiltop wrote;
"Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?"
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit too! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead and has His own body.
Can you give us a brief description of the Holy SPIRIT?

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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Ironman »

Hill Top wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:12 pm
Ironman wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:54 pm Hiltop wrote;
"Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?"
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit too! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead and has His own body.
Can you give us a brief description of the Holy SPIRIT?
Acts 2:33-39 refers to three separate persons of the deity: It is said of Jesus [one person], "Therefore being BY THE RIGHT HAND of God exalted and
having RECIEVED OF THE FATHER [another person] the promise OF THE HOLY GHOST [a third person] He hath shed forth THIS [the Holy Ghost] which ye now SEE and HEAR." Thus TWO persons, Jesus in His flesh and bone body, and the Father who is spirit, stayed in Heaven sitting side by side, and the Holy Ghost (a third person) sent by the two in Heaven to take the place of Jesus among men.

There are three persons in the Godhead, each who IS called God and Lord in various Scriptures throughout the Bible, and who are "Self-existent" and "Eternal." In Psalm 110:1; Matt. 22:44; Zech. 2:10-11 we have the Father and the Son both called "Lord," and when we read Ex. 16:7 with Heb. 3:7-8 and Isa. 6:8-9 with Acts 28:25 and Ex. 17:7 with Heb. 3:7-9, and Jer. 31:31-34 with Heb. 10:15-16 these Scriptures prove that the Holy Spirit is also called "Lord." The Holy Spirit is distinctly called God in Acts 5:3-4. Here Peter here askes Ananias, why he kept back part of the price . . . why Ananias let Satan fill his heart to lie to the Holy Ghost . . . and Peter goes on to say Ananias had not lied to men but to God."

God the Father, God the Son, AND God the Holy Ghost, in one (unified) Godhead or divinity, so that all three persons are one in unity and eternal substance, but three separate and distinct persons as to indivuality. Three separate and distinct persons are spoken of in (1 John 5:7). Jesus Himself declared and taught us to go forth and baptize in the name of the Father AND of the Son AND of the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19).

Gen. 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Hill Top
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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Hill Top »

Ironman wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:07 pm
Hill Top wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:12 pm
Ironman wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:54 pm Hiltop wrote;
"Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?"
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit too! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead and has His own body.
Can you give us a brief description of the Holy SPIRIT?
Acts 2:33-39 refers to three separate persons of the deity: It is said of Jesus [one person], "Therefore being BY THE RIGHT HAND of God exalted and
having RECIEVED OF THE FATHER [another person] the promise OF THE HOLY GHOST [a third person] He hath shed forth THIS [the Holy Ghost] which ye now SEE and HEAR." Thus TWO persons, Jesus in His flesh and bone body, and the Father who is spirit, stayed in Heaven sitting side by side, and the Holy Ghost (a third person) sent by the two in Heaven to take the place of Jesus among men.

There are three persons in the Godhead, each who IS called God and Lord in various Scriptures throughout the Bible, and who are "Self-existent" and "Eternal." In Psalm 110:1; Matt. 22:44; Zech. 2:10-11 we have the Father and the Son both called "Lord," and when we read Ex. 16:7 with Heb. 3:7-8 and Isa. 6:8-9 with Acts 28:25 and Ex. 17:7 with Heb. 3:7-9, and Jer. 31:31-34 with Heb. 10:15-16 these Scriptures prove that the Holy Spirit is also called "Lord." The Holy Spirit is distinctly called God in Acts 5:3-4. Here Peter here askes Ananias, why he kept back part of the price . . . why Ananias let Satan fill his heart to lie to the Holy Ghost . . . and Peter goes on to say Ananias had not lied to men but to God."

God the Father, God the Son, AND God the Holy Ghost, in one (unified) Godhead or divinity, so that all three persons are one in unity and eternal substance, but three separate and distinct persons as to indivuality. Three separate and distinct persons are spoken of in (1 John 5:7). Jesus Himself declared and taught us to go forth and baptize in the name of the Father AND of the Son AND of the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19).

Gen. 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
I don't see a description of the Holy Spirit in that.
Tall? Swarthy? Smooth skinned?
Dark complexion?

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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Ironman »

Hill Top wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:53 pm
Ironman wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:07 pm
Hill Top wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:12 pm
Ironman wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:54 pm Hiltop wrote;
"Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?"
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit too! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead and has His own body.
Can you give us a brief description of the Holy SPIRIT?
Acts 2:33-39 refers to three separate persons of the deity: It is said of Jesus [one person], "Therefore being BY THE RIGHT HAND of God exalted and
having RECIEVED OF THE FATHER [another person] the promise OF THE HOLY GHOST [a third person] He hath shed forth THIS [the Holy Ghost] which ye now SEE and HEAR." Thus TWO persons, Jesus in His flesh and bone body, and the Father who is spirit, stayed in Heaven sitting side by side, and the Holy Ghost (a third person) sent by the two in Heaven to take the place of Jesus among men.

There are three persons in the Godhead, each who IS called God and Lord in various Scriptures throughout the Bible, and who are "Self-existent" and "Eternal." In Psalm 110:1; Matt. 22:44; Zech. 2:10-11 we have the Father and the Son both called "Lord," and when we read Ex. 16:7 with Heb. 3:7-8 and Isa. 6:8-9 with Acts 28:25 and Ex. 17:7 with Heb. 3:7-9, and Jer. 31:31-34 with Heb. 10:15-16 these Scriptures prove that the Holy Spirit is also called "Lord." The Holy Spirit is distinctly called God in Acts 5:3-4. Here Peter here askes Ananias, why he kept back part of the price . . . why Ananias let Satan fill his heart to lie to the Holy Ghost . . . and Peter goes on to say Ananias had not lied to men but to God."

God the Father, God the Son, AND God the Holy Ghost, in one (unified) Godhead or divinity, so that all three persons are one in unity and eternal substance, but three separate and distinct persons as to indivuality. Three separate and distinct persons are spoken of in (1 John 5:7). Jesus Himself declared and taught us to go forth and baptize in the name of the Father AND of the Son AND of the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19).

Gen. 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
I don't see a description of the Holy Spirit in that.
Dark complexion?
You are simply picking at straws again as you always do.
Simple answer to your question is, He has a spiritual body, be it what ever you like.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Hill Top
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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Hill Top »

Ironman wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:46 am
Hill Top wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:53 pm
Ironman wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:07 pm
Hill Top wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:12 pm
Ironman wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:54 pm Hiltop wrote;
"Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit too?"
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit too! The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead and has His own body.
Can you give us a brief description of the Holy SPIRIT?
Acts 2:33-39 refers to three separate persons of the deity: It is said of Jesus [one person], "Therefore being BY THE RIGHT HAND of God exalted and
having RECIEVED OF THE FATHER [another person] the promise OF THE HOLY GHOST [a third person] He hath shed forth THIS [the Holy Ghost] which ye now SEE and HEAR." Thus TWO persons, Jesus in His flesh and bone body, and the Father who is spirit, stayed in Heaven sitting side by side, and the Holy Ghost (a third person) sent by the two in Heaven to take the place of Jesus among men.

There are three persons in the Godhead, each who IS called God and Lord in various Scriptures throughout the Bible, and who are "Self-existent" and "Eternal." In Psalm 110:1; Matt. 22:44; Zech. 2:10-11 we have the Father and the Son both called "Lord," and when we read Ex. 16:7 with Heb. 3:7-8 and Isa. 6:8-9 with Acts 28:25 and Ex. 17:7 with Heb. 3:7-9, and Jer. 31:31-34 with Heb. 10:15-16 these Scriptures prove that the Holy Spirit is also called "Lord." The Holy Spirit is distinctly called God in Acts 5:3-4. Here Peter here askes Ananias, why he kept back part of the price . . . why Ananias let Satan fill his heart to lie to the Holy Ghost . . . and Peter goes on to say Ananias had not lied to men but to God."

God the Father, God the Son, AND God the Holy Ghost, in one (unified) Godhead or divinity, so that all three persons are one in unity and eternal substance, but three separate and distinct persons as to indivuality. Three separate and distinct persons are spoken of in (1 John 5:7). Jesus Himself declared and taught us to go forth and baptize in the name of the Father AND of the Son AND of the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19).

Gen. 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
I don't see a description of the Holy Spirit in that.
Just God and the Word.
Dark complexion?
You are simply picking at straws again as you always do.
Simple answer to your question is, He has a spiritual body, be it what ever you like.
I find it interesting that the Holy Spirit could not come to men until Jesus left the earth.
Joh 15:26..."But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:"
The Spirit is a spirit, with no earthly form.

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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Ironman »

Quote Hilltop.
"The Spirit is a spirit, with no earthly form."


Angles are spirit beings yet men have entertained them not knowing they were angles. They have earthly form.
Hebrews 13: 2, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

God is a spirit being and has earthly form. Genesis 1: 26' And God, talking to the Word and the Holy Spirit said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness:
God, a spirit being made man after THEIR image and likeness so THEY have earthly form.

Jacob wrestled with God, saw HIM FACE TO FACE, and lived. God has a human form. And so does the Holy Spirit, a member of the Godhead.
Genisis 32:29-30;
29, And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:9 for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Hill Top
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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Hill Top »

Ironman wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:05 pm Quote Hilltop.
"The Spirit is a spirit, with no earthly form."


Angles are spirit beings yet men have entertained them not knowing they were angles. They have earthly form.
Hebrews 13: 2, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

God is a spirit being and has earthly form. Genesis 1: 26' And God, talking to the Word and the Holy Spirit said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness:
God, a spirit being made man after THEIR image and likeness so THEY have earthly form.

Jacob wrestled with God, saw HIM FACE TO FACE, and lived. God has a human form. And so does the Holy Spirit, a member of the Godhead.
Genisis 32:29-30;
29, And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:9 for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
The Spirit I am referring to is the Holy Ghost, which is given to the truly repentant.
Unless you are setting a plate out for His supper, He has no body.

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Re: Isn't Jesus the Holy Spirit, Too?

Post by Ironman »

Hill Top wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:36 pm
Ironman wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:05 pm Quote Hilltop.
"The Spirit is a spirit, with no earthly form."


Angles are spirit beings yet men have entertained them not knowing they were angles. They have earthly form.
Hebrews 13: 2, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

God is a spirit being and has earthly form. Genesis 1: 26' And God, talking to the Word and the Holy Spirit said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness:
God, a spirit being made man after THEIR image and likeness so THEY have earthly form.

Jacob wrestled with God, saw HIM FACE TO FACE, and lived. God has a human form. And so does the Holy Spirit, a member of the Godhead.
Genisis 32:29-30;
29, And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
30, And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:9 for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
The Spirit I am referring to is the Holy Ghost, which is given to the truly repentant.
Unless you are setting a plate out for His supper, He has no body.
Even you stated above, HIS SUPPER. And HE. So HE as the Father and the Word who became flesh have bodies, so does "HE," the Holy Ghost.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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