Dake Bible Discussion BoardIs there a literal Hell?

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Is there a literal Hell?

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by Ironman »

SPD asked;
"Where does Ecclesiastes 3:11 say anything that supports the notion that God has revealed Himself in the hearts of people? In fact, it says that what He has put in their hearts was put there to keep them from figuring out what He's doing! It's not a revelation of God in their heart? It's the opposite! It's an anti-revelation!"

God has revealed himself in the creation that he has made. The theologians call this General Revelation. It is clearly portrayed in several passages of scripture, the most outstanding probably being Psalm 19:1-4.

God reveals Himself in men's hearts. Even the Native American Indians yearned for and believe in God and the Holy Spirit without ever hearing the gospel or knowing Jesus. How the Creator is referred to in each of their differing languages would fill a book. Some said “Kitchi Manito” or Great Spirit, or just “Manito” meaning Spirit. The Creator was referred to as “Mishomis” meaning Great Father. The Lakotah people call Him “Wakan Tanka” which means Sacred Spirit. He is “Kitchi Ogiima” to many or The Great Headman.
There are many stories depending on which tribe one visits. Many of the stories parallel the biblical account. When one reads the speeches made by many of the old chiefs, their references to creation and the Creator are all the same. Everything they did was born on their consciousness of their Creator origins, the belief and responsibility in honouring life and all life-giving things was carried on this consciousness. To disrespect any part of that consciousness was to disrespect the Creator, humanity, Mother Earth, and themselves.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by luchnia »

branham1965 wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 11:44 pm People who deny a real literal burning Hell are denying the Bible.
I totally 100% agree - one should not deny hell or torments.

The bible is clear about hell and eternal torments, however to make statements that man is tormented day and night forever from all the verses posted is not a sound biblical truth and is taking a major stretch by adding a meaning to the scriptures that is not there. How man is tormented and if they are tormented day and night forever could be assumed.

Hell is certainly a place and eternal (forever) torment is real. Yet, are the differing levels of torment? Are the levels at which a man tormented cannot speak? If one was plummeted with fire and brimstone day and night forever, would there be a point at which one could speak?

Look at the story of the beggar and the rich man. It is amazing that the rich man was in hell and tormented and yet carried on a full conversation! Dake taught there were different levels of torments in his notes on the famous story. He even notes "the lowest torture or torment". Notice the different Greek words used.

From Dake's notes:
b [torments] Greek: basanos (GSN-<G931>), going to the bottom, the lowest torture or torment (Lk. 16:23,28); basanizo (GSN-<G928>), to torture, be in pain (Mt. 8:6,29; Mk. 5:7; Lk. 8:28; Rev. 9:5; 11:10; 14:10; 20:10); basanismos (GSN-<G929>), torture (Rev. 14:11); and odunao (GSN-<G3600>), the state of grief, sorrow, and torment (Lk. 16:24-25) are all used of the present and eternal hell (Sheol/Hades) and gehenna.

What is everlasting fire and torment? Notice this lake of fire in Revelation 21:8 (KJV)
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

This lake of fire burns with fire and brimstone and these are cast into it. No matter how one looks at it, it is not a place that one would desire to be in.

Word up!
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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by branham1965 »

The are a few books by Christian Authorities

called "The Fire That Consumes" by Ed Fudge

second would be "God's Punishments On Individuals And Nations"

by a very respected Professor Homer Hailey.

and finally by Pastor Charles Taze Russell in Studies in The Scriptures volume 5.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by luchnia »

You seriously believe that Rev. Dake taught that? Have you even looked up Ecclesiastes 3:11 to check this quote from somewhere that Harry just copied and pasted without researching? Or giving credit where credit is due?
It is challenging to respond to something that is simply cut and pasted from websites. Not sure why folks do that and don't study for themselves, but to each his own.

We do know that God has revealed certain things about Himself through nature, yet one must be cautious in this area. The natural things can show you much about the nature of God and the beauty of creation. Yet, to know God in the way a man must know Him to be saved seems quite different from what I understand from the scriptures.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by branham1965 »

I do not believe as these folks do.I know a few 7th Day Adventists that teach there is no Hell.

Reverend Dake has profuse notes on this after the Book of Psalms.

branham1965 wrote: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:59 pm The are a few books by Christian Authorities

called "The Fire That Consumes" by Ed Fudge

second would be "God's Punishments On Individuals And Nations"

by a respected Professor Homer Hailey.

and finally by Pastor Charles Taze Russell in Studies in The Scriptures volume 5.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by luchnia »

branham1965 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:45 pm I do not believe as these folks do.I know a few 7th Day Adventists that teach there is no Hell.
What folks are you referring to, or are you referring to the 7th Day Adventists that you don't believe as they do?

I am not sure that anyone that post on this forum believes there is no hell. I would wager that most do. They may not agree on how all of it is carried out as well as other details.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by branham1965 »

Reverend Dake called it soul sleep.

And he said that false cults teach it.

I do not agree with some of the SDA stuff.There are fine people in the SDA.
luchnia wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:08 pm
branham1965 wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:45 pm I do not believe as these folks do.I know a few 7th Day Adventists that teach there is no Hell.
What folks are you referring to, or are you referring to the 7th Day Adventists that you don't believe as they do?

I am not sure that anyone that post on this forum believes there is no hell. I would wager that most do. They may not agree on how all of it is carried out as well as other details.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by branham1965 »

No one has the right to "turn the hose on Hell."

One man was said to have done this 100 years ago.But he did not.

Jesus said there is a Hell and that there is a flame in Hell.

He said punishment there is as eternal and everlasting as Heaven is.

John said the smoke of their torment ascendeth up and they have no rest day or night.
And i dare not change a word of it cause i don't like the idea!!!

It is in the Word. Page 619 of the Dake Bible has a entire section on Hell.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by branham1965 »

That is the old Adventist - Soul Sleeper trick.

I do not buy it for a second.

See the Dake Bible under "where are the dead?" page 619 of the Old Testament.

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Re: Is there a literal Hell?

Post by luchnia »

Consider eternal death. In others words, forever death, or one could state forever torments which all circles back to eternal torment. Life must be understood differently if you are using the biblical context. Our understanding of life is much different that the biblical meaning.

Word up!
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